The most important question I have is what in the hell is Iowa doing having high school playoffs toward the end of July? How is that possible?
The most important question I have is what in the hell is Iowa doing having high school playoffs toward the end of July? How is that possible?
How far back would you have to move the shot, or how much movement do you need to allow the goalie before the scoring rate was reduced under 50%? I want to get excited about a goal more than I want to be excited about a save.
Buster Busted By Beanball Because Brinson Beef Briefly Burned Bright
Let’s at least grant Brazil this: the Swiss are born and raised to achieve a neutral result.
this could be peak mets
The Degree of difficulty should make this impossible, but the ball just Speed Sticks right in there
My best, Ed
Oakland basically told the Raiders and the A’s to go fuck off. The A’s tried to build in Fremont (!) and San Jose, but those plans fell through, and who knows how the Raiders will do in Vegas? Though I don’t think they’d be able to replicate the Knights’ success.
Why is it news that the Mets are out of order?
“See guys? Not so easy keeping two sets of books,” -Bernie Madoff.
A combined no-no also aptly describes my romantic adventures on a Friday night
The Mets are on year 4 of a 25-year contract with Blockbuster Streaming.
More like Pooperintendent amirite
Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday. That is 4 days.
I agree with Keith on both things. Just thought it was hilarious how he lost his damn mind.
On the Mets broadcast, Keith Hernandez pretty much wanted to jump out of the booth to fight Matheny and/or the 1st base umpire. His rage stemmed from Matheny already using his challenge and “circumventing the challenge rules” by pressuring the umpire to review, as well as the 1st base umpire reviewing it which he…
I have a hard time believing that baseball only travelled 463 feet. It left the park where the fence is approximately 365 feet from home plate. And it certainly looks like it landed more than 98 feet beyond the fence. I mean the in the 3rd deck watches it fly by him and it’s still moving at an incredible clip at a…
He should have stuck with fencing.