Joonas Tepp

One of the lessons I’ve tried handing out to others is to recognize the commodities that they think are needs. The short list of commodities that everyone can easily nix:
Coffee - Your “daily dose” is $1000-3000 annually
Cellular data plans - $1000-2000 annually
Restaurants - Another $2000-4000 annually
Booze - Geeze... I

Don’t know about you but every restaurant I have gone in to have salt & pepper on the table. When I pack something I usually put my spices on my food before I pack it away or take some salt and pepper packs that I get from fast food places.

I find that music helps me write some times.
Yes people do carry unnecessary things but you don’t need salt&pepper or a leatherman to write.
If need be some pens, paper and my phone (for music and to look something up) would be all I would need.

Crap, I fell for it again. Why do I always read these types of articles thinking that I’m going to find the magic solution to making myself a morning person? My internal clock is just not wired to make me a morning person, and my attempts to rewire it, based on countless articles, have been very temporary and

Talk is just talk. I’m really not sure why people put so much focuse on it. It’s hype and not much else. The defeat wasn’t “crushing” and he has such a big fan base that he can still bring in the numbers for ppv, which is wear a lot of his money comes from.

It could, but hyping fights and talking about how great your are is just the name of the game. The talk we keep going and people will keep watching. The real way to lose the fans is to just put on a bad fight.

And yet he still holds the belt. This lose really doesn’t mean anything other then he shouldn’t fight at 170.

This is an odd clip to share from Baj when talking about an interesting encounter between two PVP’ers. There are far better examples in his content that showcase more captivating encounters of two people “at their best.”

What open ended answers do you give?

Yep. Though, to be honest I can’t remember the last time I pirated a game... Between Steam and Humble Bundle (especially now that you can return Steam games if they suck) and whatnot, it’s just become less of a hassle to buy than to pirate. :P

Apparently I’m better off.

Shut. Up.

Is this your way of telling us a lot of the Lifehacker writers are drinking at night and hung over the next day throughout the week?

Is it though? RNG can be fun. It may not be competitive, but it can be fun.

Don’t you know that everyone who is on the internet must constantly be up to date on absolutely everything that’s posted on every website? The internet exists so that we can sit with multiple tabs of Facebook, Reddit, Google, Twitter, Instagram, Gawker, CNN, Fox, Youtube, MSNBC, Vine and every other website open at

Patrica - you will not win. As one journalist to another, let me tell you what our job description consists of: “Being told all day long by by non-journalists how we are doing our jobs wrong.”

Not sure why the guy filming this had to block out the triple headshot/head explosion, but whatever, what he didn’t block out is far past good enough for me. Bless you, Ryan Reynolds. Bless you for giving a shit.

Here’s a trick for forcing the sneeze to occur.

In an equal relationship, both of you should feel like you’re doing 60% of the work. This mentality actually helps a lot.

Ahhh! Woooh! What’s happening? Who am I? Why am I here? What’s my purpose in life? What do I mean by who am I? Okay okay, calm down calm down get a grip now. Ooh, this is an interesting sensation. What is it? Its a sort of tingling in my... well I suppose I better start finding names for things. Lets call it a...