Joom Bow

Yeah, but only nooooooooo.

There’s probably better homemade cosplay walking around the Con right now than. . whatever the heck that is. It’s like an all-over Iron Man speedo.

It’s kind of amazing that they always feel they MUST change everything, every time they adapt a costume from the books — and 9 times out of 10, that change is for the worse.

Sorry, but everyone except Batman looks ridiculous.

It’s not that Barbara’s decided to come on to Bruce. It’s that she does that in a story where we know the ending is massive tragedy for her in order to wrench extra bad feels from her father; adding sex to her relationship with Bruce piles on bad feels for him too.

And, in 99% of Batman stories, she’s Dick’s ex. Which makes Batman sleeping with his adoptive son’s ex-girlfriend insane. And so, so gross.

It’s true we should not shame women for being sexually active, it just feels out of place for these characters. Plus, it’s disappointing that when the writers wanted to expand her story so we would feel worse when she gets shot, they immediately went with “she’s sad because she slept with a guy and then he bounced."

Gods and Monsters was fantastic.

Yeah! And let's round up some pot heads to go with this because the law is the law and it is never wrong or misused or irrelevant in the face of modernity! Fuck yeah for the immutable word of the flawless law!

Sorry, no. It may be “practical” but it’s also a hideous mish mash. It's like she took a bunch of spare pieces from separate outfits and put them all on at the same time. Plus, I mean, do we really need a big red V right over her crotch?

TL;DR If you have no tangible skills and are just an “idea guy,” as 90% of the people who think they want to make videogames are, then no. If you actually have a skill, along with a detailed plan including design documents, timeframe and budget then still probably no but maybe.

Starring and replying so I can clear up the confusion here. From what I’ve read (after speaking out about this particular issue) the RimWorld devs actually asked the Prison Architect devs (Introversion) if it was okay to crib their art style. Their answer was, “yes.” Thus, you have the art style.

And a tumblr nose for every face.

Full disclosure, I have never read Batwoman. But when I clicked on the article I was expecting sometime really terrible like another death or Batman being evil or something like that.

If anyone had half a brain SpOck would have lasted a week before the Avengers figured out what was going on.

I still say Victor Von Doom would never, ever put on anything even close to resembling Stark’s clown suit.

They’re not doing anything to hurt you, but they are hurting the devs, especially if the devs are small.

So instead of a silver sword, Geralt has silver bullets for monsters and lead for everything else?

Dear Batman,

The real reason he’s called Boruto is because the series’ good ideas were all used up a long time ago. ;P