Joom Bow

I like the almost cel-shaded look it has though.

There's a difference between "The New Wii" and "Wii YOUUUUUUUU".

I don't even have room for a Kinect in my gaming desk, so if it's really mandatory the next Xbox will have to wait till I upgrade my shite. I won't ever get it if it has always-online though.

Your loss then

There are more platforms than just Xbox.

Never tried DOSBox?

I kinda wanna buy a boxed copy now, but I'm afraid it'll be cheaper when the game is officially releasing.

And now I go to re-download my GOG copy. Thanks for the advice random internet person!

Do you like fighting humans? Cus that's what you'll be doing for a significant portion of the game. Also, there is no tension since the aliens die extremely too fast (very much unlike the movies) and the AI is damn horrible. The only thing they got right were the pulse rifle sounds.

If it was up to me to choose either Lollipop Chainsaw or Epic Mickey to be nuked from existence, it wouldn't be the immature yet mechanically solid game with zombies that explode into rainbows. It'd be Warren's piece of shit broken "game".

Phantasy Star Online is what immediately came to mind when I saw that one.

No you aren't the only one, but you are a lame. A lame you are.

I kept playing through the first one hoping it would get better at some point. Nope, it got worse (stupid aliens). Then, when I got a gaming pc I tried Crysis 2 and Warhead. I only put an hour into each of them before the blandness got t0 me.

"Fanboy detected"

Nintendo also published Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge and that just got confirmed for multiplatform release. There's still hope!

Fable 3 is on Steam though.

Fable 3 is on Steam.

It still doesn't affect him.

I hope they show off a new innovative way to play games. If the ps4 is just a more powerful ps3, I'll stick to my gaming pc.

Time to start saving up.