Joom Bow

I second this notion. These Japanese devs are missing out on a crapload of money by not releasing their titles on Steam. I'd pre-order this game in a heartbeat if it were on pc, but as of now I might just get it cheaper awhile after it comes out. I'm way too lazy to plug my ps3 back in.

How in the heck is that the same?

I'll buy this 2 times if they ever port it to pc. I wish most Japanese devs weren't so adverse to the platform.

I concur.

It actually used the Fox engine.

If that ever happens I hope you choke on your toaster's strudel.

From when they first announced it it looked like they were going to do something massively different from the franchise, but it feels like they buckled under the pressure of DMC fans. I really would have liked to see Ninja Theory go wild and make it feel like more than DMC with more swearing and a black-haired

DmC Dante hasn't looked like that since the 2010 trailer.

I guess we'll see. I'm not the type to take a cynical view on things. The internet is on flames right now so I think I'll just avoid game sites for awhile. All I see are people getting angry about something that isn't even that big of a deal. You'd think Capcom assassinated your grandmothers or something.

You game elitists really kill whatever argument you had when you say things like that.

"Everyone wants the highest frame rate possible"

We've know for years than Ninja Theory was making the game. Capcom didn't pull them off the project when they received backlash then and they won't now. The game is out. No amount of complaining is going to change that. I'd be sympathetic if Capcom said they're done with the regular DMC series but they have indicated

The game plays perfect for what Ninja Theory did with the combat at 30fps. Most developers value graphical effects over responsiveness and that isn't going to change anytime soon (if ever). You don't want to deal with it? Do what I did and build a gaming pc.

It added the shifting environments which add to the spectacle and presentation.You don't like sub-hd and low frame rates? Build a pc. Simple as that. These consoles aren't getting any more powerful and certain devs like to keep pushing them.

Except....that's not the hardest difficulty. Hell and Hell is. And if you cared that much about frame rates you'd have a gaming pc.

Incorrect. The pc version was confirmed ages ago to run at 60fps.

Raiden wears heels.

"Most barbershops will have one guy who claims to know how to cut "black hair."

I'm glad that this is happening and can't see why anyone would be adverse to it. More people getting to play a game without having to shell out money for another system is a good thing. Exclusives are only good for platform holders and consumers benefit greatly from multi-platform titles.

Stripping it is! I'll bring the camera!