
Yeah but where do the white supremacists stand on anti-devapement?

Trump may very well be a coke user. That’s what I’m hearing. Many, many people are telling me very interesting things about Mr. Trump’s habits. Many very credible people. Super credible people. Without a doubt.


Hear me out: Five Centers.

I don’t care about that! The reason to tell the truth is not that it might accomplish some strategic political goal like defeating a particular candidate. The reason to tell the truth is that it is the truth.

I guess Miles accidentally ran out the clock.

That is literally the same excuse some ultraconservative Salafist/Wahhabist might give. Although I imagine the people who’d flip out over that are somehow okay with this.

“Jesus Christ, you guys.”

If this is what your religion teaches / preaches, your religion sucks.

Title Nein

I’ve never experienced racism. Therefore it doesn’t exist.

BLM is kinda sketchy to me.

Damn and here I thought he was varicose to making a return.

Me too...I just watched the documentary on him last weekend and I really did think that while he came across as a person with serious issues with empathy, self-control, boundaries and honesty, at least he wasn’t a pedophile.

Their fundamental disagreement appears to be whether Kaepernick has freedom of speech, or whether he should literally not answer questions. Basically, the black man should just shut up unless it’s about football. Am i hearing this correctly? And that’s a member of the press, right?

The one with the books behind her is especially galling. I mean, if you’re such a genius, why do you need a stack of books? Shouldn’t you, like, know that stuff?

Did you factor the chances that company just go out of business and they trash all the corpses (which is what they are at this point)?

Well, I couldn’t finish because I was so bored. It’s cryo-preservation, it doesn’t work, no one cares.

Pretty sure there have been sci-fi novels about this, but I would like to have a crack at this topic... as a sitcom where a number of those who were preserved were successfully reanimated.

She was 3. She won’t remember them.