
Diaper Don sounds like a dope title for a new animated show that follows two Dons: a grandpa and an infant, both in diapers.

How long after November 8 do you think Melania waits before filing for divorce?

Yeah but do you think Ivanka makes him wear a condom or is she cool with the pull-out method?

Thank you for this.

Marry me

there’s so much financial pressure to go the all-lives-matter-route though. i can only imagine how Cam or Sherman publicly endorsing BLM might impact their endorsements and future contract negotiations. i’d like to think that i’d act differently in their position, but i’m not risking millions of dollars when i march

clowns - why are they rising up to murder/eat us?

Who will be the first Gawker refugee to be shunned by Deadspin staff?

Most federal departments don't pay their interns but Diet Mr. Clean here stays in 5-star hotels. Seems about right.

Odds are that he thought Aleppo was a form of leprosy caused by public schools and roads.

New bumper sticker pitch: Vote Trump. Brain on.

Which sport is worst (as a spectator and/or an exhibition of athleticism):

Bass fishing

Description suggestions:

Turns out even Olympians don't use those bullshit pre-swimming showers at the gym. Now I don't feel as bad.

He was hoping they'd hit his iceberg inbetween sobs.

Yes he was clearly hoping for a post-Titanic three way.

Sounds like a great pitch for a Titanic/Shining crossover flick

Is there such thing as a non-sad handjob (if you're over 16 that is)?

what if Hulk Hogan (with friends I assume because he doesn't have the money) buys Gawker Media?

Who is your favorite writer across all the Gawker sites?