“You do realize 75+% of the cases *that we know of* are in one city right?
“You do realize 75+% of the cases *that we know of* are in one city right?
Pointing to people that did it right is hardly pulling examples out of a hat.
First of all, no one has said shut down everything until 2021.
Agreeing with you; calling the other person an idiot for saying “testing isn’t workable” when it clearly has been for other countries. Sorry if it was unclear.
Only it wasn’t hindsight when news first broke.
A flippant statement deserves a flippant answer.
If you’re in NYC and/or are elderly, you should definitely be careful.
It’s too bad lots of national companies with cash reserves swooped in and took the funds earmarked for those small businesses.
At some point it will be worth the risk.
The problem is the people making the messages, once they stop trying to impress shareholders they might actually start making good business decisions.
As long as I can roll my wheelchair into the beauty salon, I’m ok with that.
I’ve come to the conclusion that universal health care and basic income are inevitable years ago, this just confirmed and accelerated that. Considering the alternative would be the Bigly Depression, it may just happen (if the GOP as a bloc fucks off and dies).
The President (of Ghana) had a very insightful thing to say about that:
“The people who want to see things open back up now are not and face personal economic disaster if this goes on past the end of May.”
What do you hear from your relatives?
I think the alternative is going to be a major shift in many industries.
Like I said, I consider the claim suspect.
It’s not over in Wuhan lol.
We’re all eager for this shit to be over, but here is the problem: This shit ain’t over.
Auto industry complaining and wants people to start buying cars again...