Have you... driven a Kia that wasn’t a decontented rental?
Great review, Bradley, thanks. This takes me back to the feel of my Virago 535 years ago. Dead-simple everything, just works, no drama, if a bit ‘soft’ (though shaft-drive of course.)
Worse: people with literal billions of dollars can bend the confusion on a massive scale to further their own profit goals. There are huge marketing firms whose sole purpose is to direct influence upon millions of people for a sizable fee. And it’s not just the internet - it’s all information sources since…
Here’s the thing. I’ve never been a fan of BMWs modern offerings bike-wise. (Car-wise, aside from a cousin’s ‘84 3-series I drove for a while driving like I’d imagine the offspring of a tiny jet and a go-kart would, I’ve never been into the brand - too expensive, too fragile over time, and frankly, too small for my…
Imagine arguing the fine points of just how much of a failure someone is in order to protect one’s feelings about having chosen to elect said failure. Our snaily friend seems to think that filing some paperwork somehow shields you from being the reason your ventures failed massively - 7 times mind - and like some kind…
Well, we can either continue to run up the national debt by giving tax cuts to the extremely wealthy few that don’t need it, or we can incur the same debt by giving relief to the great majority of people who aren’t multi-millionaires. There are over 18 million millionaires in the US, more than any country in the…
Loved my ‘91 L until it nommed a head gasket and pooped out white coolant smoke all over the decklid and rear windows. What a smooth, powerful, bizarrely laid out drivetrain.
What is with your obsession with PalmPilots? Fuck’s sake
Well, Boomers are scientifically proven to be the most sensitive of the current generation... (*ducks to avoid flying collectible coins and plates*)
Honestly, I think that’s exactly what they’re aiming for. I don’t know whether it’s more effective to be “disruptive” from the get go in the current marketplace, so I have no idea if it will work out for them, but I imagine they’re going to try to “act like they belong” at first, try to to seem completely normal, and…
Yeah, my checking is byte type and it would need to be at least short
holy shit the pipe... my sides
*Reads headline*...
All the time. When software used to ship on non-writeable media and couldn’t be altered, much more emphasis was placed on testing. A single critical bug, uncaught, would render the product useless to many, and unrecoverably “soiled” in reputation to the rest.
Yes, I’m 6'4ish (about 190cm I guess as you likely use SI units) so I usually need to put the driver’s seat all the way back, or a hair forward of that. I have never sat in a Model 3. Might have to check it out. Thanks!
You’re giving me ideas here. Anyone know how well a 3 handles a baby car seat? In my Optima, I can put the driver’s seat all the way back with the car seat in place; in the spousal unit’s Fit, I can only slide back about 3/4 of the way and have to keep the seat more upright than I’d like (which is okay given that the…
Holy crap - EPA mileage was upgraded from 280 to 315 miles for the AWD version. That’s huge. Excited to be able to afford something like this in 5ish years.