
@RushinRussian: Booooooo ! .. Should be Scotch and Scotch Rocks

If Stupid cable co's would go À la carte .. this would not be needed .. Oh well .. i dont pretend i will ever do this .. i will pay crazy amounts for channels i will never watch .. and do all the other ways to watch stuff online .. But i prey for a day when i never have to have a damn SD channel on my TV

@Giggity: NP : ) Crap wish i could have used my Amazon Affiliate link .. i would have been a Millionaire or something

@D.A.S.: I pay for years .. and nothing yet ..but non hd sucks

streaming in 480p ... Poop

@hipstertuna:Its called Belkin Concealed Surge Protector .. they have a few Different sizes at Amazon

I use a few of these Belkin, they work A-ok .. Even for the huge plugs

My Fav product on Quirky is the "Steeper Keeper" and its sweet tag line:

But he did not get the BEST Tattoo EVER .. RIP buddy

For 150 a year / or $15 a month with Zune pass i can get any album i want / listen to on Zune HD or on any # od PCs such as home or work ...or on Win 7 phone , or on Xbox360 .. And the DRM is not fool Proof ; ) ... Love my Zune pass

More like Gizmodo , Life hacker and jalopnik

I just watched a dude do that on an idiot abroad on the science channel .. That is crazy .. I wanna be a Ninja and or Shaolin monk : (

I was in Maui/Kauai almost exactly a year ago for my Honeymoon .. and the local tour guides were saying that the sugar fields / Industry Was going away , i love in the raw Sugar so i hope that is not true .. Also found it extremely odd that the Pineapple we ate was really never from Hawaii .. because they don't grow

Hulu is to show people SNL Digital Shorts at work.

@Arken: But one day Cali will fall into the Ocean , So you have that to look fwd to

I don't see how they can use that name .. as it is TM'd to Glasdon Manufacturing Limited .. and there are already plenty of products with that name ..

He is cheating , he doesn't have a job and play games .. its tough playing games for hours with a damn job ..

Salty Iron ? Ill pass