
for argument sake I would upload it to the Cloud ... Delete all Dirty music and then Re download the iTunes Clean DRM free version to PC again

So couldn't this be used as "music laundering" .. Take a bunch of "shared" music and make it as good as a iTunes purchase ?

Why is this a Story ? They made no $$$ selling your product for Free ... You made no $$$ , They Got Exposure and you got Exposure .. Suck it up

How is this even a Story ? This is seriously one of the Stupidest Post i have Ever read

But .... i ... i.... Just got my Atrix .. Fuck


I Cut my Finger Badly with a huge knife , this old school butcher started jamming Cayenne in the wound (it hurt 10000x Worse than the cut) , when i got to the ER to get stitches the Dr was like what the F#$% did you do ... Anyhow it stopped the bleeding : )

Love the Update on my Atrix .. My Fav aspct of the update is Amazon App Store and ....

Living in Mass i find it funny most areas they put them in are ghettos .. Like Holyoke ... NO ONE in Holyoke will ever have a Electric car .. I know its for people driving through but damn ... At least drop some in "Green Areas" first .. they dont even have one in Amherst home of Umass and the heart of the 5 College

My Vote is for Amazon !!!

Zune pass is Amazing Hands down ... Dont care about failed Zune ... But the STILL living Zune Pass is a amazing deal

Naw .. I love my Atrix 4G .. to me its the Best Android phone other than the Samsung Galaxy S II ... i did TONSSSSS of research .

Your Headline sucks ..

Anything like this for Android ?

Who cares about Streamflix on my Atrix ... I would be Pumped in Honeycomb was released for it

I wanted to check it out on the 360 ... But i found out it was a scam because they show a new network show and you click on it and you cant wait it because you can only watch it on PC (it brings you to the network website) ... Trust me i will be canceling

What are you talking about ? i pay for Hulu Plus and get PLENTY of Ads .. It should not be Both ways

All i wanted from the start was to rent new Blu rays from Netflix .. and they Suck horribly at it .. Blockbuster by mail is Actually perfect for a customer like it .. I get all new releases when they come out and all catalog blu rays when they come out .. Perfect .. netshitz hardly gets anything On Blu Ray and charges

This is funny Sony has Always been amazing ... Just more expensive : )

Im Sticking with my Zune pass .. Here is why .. For $15/Mth (less if you buy a yr upfront) i get unlimited music and it pretty much has everything in the world (cept Beatles ok) I keep 10 songs a mth forever .. the interface is incredibly beautiful / Plays on Multi PC's such as work home and laptop and plays on all