
You can Download Netflix on 3ds Now ! .. Just showed up in my eShop back in 2000 .. ruined "Strong" for me .. this is weak sauce


Damn .. the need it now no matter the cost (Quality) way the world works is sad .. I Have about 15 devices that stream netflix and i cant remember the last time i did , But i can telkl you the last 10 Blu rays i watched they sent me ... So i am using my wallet and dropping Streaming altogether .. So what if i cost

And to think .. the stock price is up +9.52 a Share (Time of Posting) .. I guess investors can Afford a 60% Price Gouge : )

I wouldn't hold your breath , they started charging more and more for Blu Ray and got LESS of them .. Oh my

Lol ... the funny part is they dont even get new Blu Rays .. I think the last time i looked all the got for the week was the 100th sequel of you got served on BD

Meh ... She reminds me of Honey Badger

And they STILL charge more for Blu ray lol .. WTF ...

Blu Rays Foooooooool

Thanks For the Advice , I know what im doing at work tomorrow ! .. Hope the dont read this lol

On a side note i just got my Moto Atrix 4G .. it was that or a iPhone but i wanted to try Android .. Oh my god the freedom .. i will use my Ipod touch for iOS stuff , but I am so in love with my new Android .. I thought about the HP phone for 20 secs and win7 phone for a hour or 2 .. but i think i made the right

Eco Teas is less expensive than guayaki (Which is a Company i love) , is Un smoked and not full of Stems and un leaf parts like bulk guayaki seems to have ... I drink a few Pots a day ... I am known as the Mate man at work

Lemmy is God

Or you can look at it like this " Reg Soda is just as good for you as Diet Soda" See glass 1/2 Full

I Hate this.

I LOVE Kobayashi .. No seriously for the past 10 years i have Loved this man .. My Wife will kill me .. but he is my fkn Hero .. Well Him and Steve-o

Lol if you look at this from the main page a random eye ball shows up on the girls arm .. holy crap .. it may only be funny because my wife got me Jack Daniels Tennessee honey and im Tipsy Fooo

I rock this on my Shoulder .. I'm Angry

You have a picture of Tortoise's ... Not the same