jonthomasdesigns-old has Maximum PC Magazine Subscription for $6.99 .. membership is free .. Awesome deal !

@JonThomasDesigns: .. i guess i will just Shut Up or you can just Meet Me Halfway but either way Imma Be asking Where Is the Love?

I Gotta Feeling they did it for the Boom Boom Pow the news would bring , but unless they Pump It in the advertisements My Humps don't really care .. so Don't Lie or Don't Phunk With My Heart and none of that Monkey Business and get a extreme Sandy bridge 6 core out soon !

If this was the early 1990's the headline would say "Two teenagers in California were found dead in a vacant apartment with some Snap Braclets"

@AvalonBright: You are joking right ? right .. ? Amazon has just about the best CS anywhere on the web with exception to Zappos which they own anyhow .. i avg 250 items ordered a year from amazon using Prime and never once has anything EVER been messed up .. not even once

Heeeeeey Ladies ... I Clean Toilets !

Lets ask Grandma what she thinks...

That is Horrible ! .. You take something that looks great on its own and turn it into Trash

"The 30-year-old woman is now being operated for internal injuries and multople broken bones, including her hips" ...

@Bisnicks: Doubt its a redneck , its Japanese .. but maybe a Japanese redneck ?

A few things i Noticed .. its Yahoo Japan .. He has a Bazooka (2nd gun from left bottom) , Crazy # of headphones (at least 5 pairs).. 2 ps3's on top of eachother , cant be good for the bottom one, and a sweet heman millar chair !

Checking Chem Trail reports !

@OMG! Bacon!: Not that impressed the part near the hole is shaped like a funnel

Reminds me of ...

@Kat Hannaford: Yeah its natural .. Teachers hated it ... I talk like that too (i call 6:30 .. 6 and a Half ) .. I call it Jon-bonics .. Grammar etc is boring to me so i made my own .. now i feel self conscious .. Poop

@Kat Hannaford: Sorry Did not have my Yerba Mate yet this morning and got lots more snow .. So now i read my comment and i was a snippy fool .. Preaching love for Amazon is A-ok in my book .. she is my Mistress

This "News" Was announced During CES ... Which was weeks ago .. Preorder up since the 6th i believe