
They Should make a first person view using Kinect ,, Like your pulling the Slingshot .. Once you launch you become the Bird and use movements to do the special move such as splitting in 3 or dropping the egg ... Just throwing it out there for free Rovio

@CandyBacon: Thanks .. I will get Fall out and hope by the time i play it after other games lined up, they will patch it from freezing etc.. but i still have to play it : )

@kaffenated: So basically your saying the Bon Jovi cd was Wanted Dead Or Alive

Ahhh i need a Online only section .. No way am i going to the store in real life

@CandyBacon: When is the Amazon Fall out deal ? me want now

@lelandjs: Poop to late to cancel .. I order it again and return this one : )

I gotta stop !! ahhhhhh .. just bought Back to the future bluray set @ amazon .. it was only $34 ... but i just got some other crap , and more crap .. adds up fast

People were starting to think .. Its 2010 and you made a SD console ? when it came out it was not a death blow because it was hot tech .. but with Kinect and Move ... it just looks silly now

Well i prefer Blu Ray so streaming does me no good , where is my Only Blu ray with no streaming option ? : )

perfect for small kitchens ? Unless she a primordial dwarf it looks huge

Andy Samberg and Jorma are pure genius

The Best part of the new Girltalk is right about the 20 min mark .. Radioheads Creep Mixed with Old Dirty Bastard .. i think i yelled out loud at work , it was so good

Mazda puts out these great concepts and then gives us the smiling car .. I love my 2008 MazdaSpeed3 .. was ready to get a newer model .. but the 2010/11 looks terrible .. please kill the smile Mazda

@IIoWoII: Don't you know the 90's are coming back in style ... Cross Colors and Chess king baby

@Rear Admiral Meatwad: He may be foolish , but its not like he went for a bank loan on this .. he must a have a crap ton of money .. once you got everything you want , what else can you buy ? I wont hate on him because he bought fake stuff , i will hate because he can spend that amount of loot on it

Im Still extremely confused why ANYONE would want a White iPhone anyhow .. Maybe Clear or Brushed metal .. but white ?

Now playing

I found a video of the next Angry Birds Update

@Erik The Red: Not Me : ( .. Me and my Co Workers are competitive so i beat every bird level 3 stars awhile ago .. my wife hated it because i bought it to bed to play