
Game was awesome but i got 3 stars in every level in less than a day

Yeah but when will the Beatles be on iTunes ?????

@DrXym: ? You actually don't need that much room to play , that is seriously over blown .. and i don't need to move anything in my condo .. Maybe you might have to move a coffee table big deal ? you have to do that for Sony MOVE as well .. in fact i think my MOVE needs more room

I just Laugh at the Negative Kinect comments .. From 99% who don't own one nor will .. I can tell you that i never had so much fun drunk off my ass playing Dance central for 4 hours last Friday night .. The thing is just great at what it does .. Its up to Game makers to use the tech ... and with over 1 Million sold…

Loved Slap Bracelets back in the day .. it was like a razor blade with a cheap fabric cover ... Danger ! .. Anyone got a HUGE New Kids on the block pin to go with them ?

@jnewman10: There you go ! .. Nice Follow through

@chrisJAMESS: I was speaking of the fact Kaiser-Machead used it for the Apple/Beatles story yesterday

@jnewman10: Except it was just yesterday.. you have to give it at least a week .. i am all about recycling .. but damn : )

@Robotronic: Well thought id help the people who are a parsec behind

This was not even the Biggest Music News of the day .. It was the New Girltalk Cd came out today for free !

The Beatles totally ripped off cold play !

Google announces its quitting Google TV next January .. Seriously why did they not think they might want to lock up the networks as partners before launch ?

Meh .. I already own everything .. and made my own digital backups .. Like millions of other people .. who was seriously waiting for iTunes before buying some Beatles ? Its like waiting for a white iPhone 4 .. just silly

I like # 439 !

I wanted to say these were Photoshopped by Micheal J Fox .. but then i realized that was horrible .. glad i dint

The only thing that kills me are the WD blue drives .. eww .. SSD or Caviler Black

@Screwtape: ......Annnnd you have never used it