
Apple will Admit that Zune Pass w/ Zune Software is amazing ... Because it is

Its all about the Wu

No wonder i have been mainlining spray cheese all these years

Id never join Facebook , but Kat makes me think about it sometime .. 3.2.1...Ok back to hating Facebook

@OMG! Red!: Cant stop looking ....... help

eWWW Yuck .. I would rather go back to AOL mail from the 90's ... I want nothing to do with Facebook.. Ever

I would have paid $200 ... Love the thing

@DJEsch: So that's the book the Amazon Controversy was about yesterday

Sharpie Twin tip .. My Weapon of Choice

@resvrgam: You just sound like a fool to us who actually .. you know .. own the thing and use it

on a side note Dance Central is so much fun , me and the wife cant stop playing ...

Breaking news .. Google buys all of them ~

@bucho54: Oh .. I cant drink it .. i tried once but i'm not that into drinking Douche .. but lots of my co workers love that crap

All you need is some Kombucha and this list is complete!

@Space Bot: Well Wii was released in 2006 .. so that is First gen in my eyes .. Move and Kinect are 2010 .. so that seems to be next gen .. Move does a few things different than Wii .. But Kinect is a whole other beast .. I am not saying this as a fan of anything .. i am saying this as a owner of all 3 since launch

@Desertwolf: Ummm .. You must not own it because its extremely responsive

After Owning both since launch its hands down Kinect is the winner .. Move already seems increblely last gen and i dont think i will ever use mine again .. I dont care if you love 360 or Ps3 .. its a fact the kinect is incredible tech

Thumbs up on the Kinect games .. Im in for Dance Central & Kinect Sports .. love that thing

@tophinator: I 100% agree , i have owned Move since launch and do not think i will use again since getting Kinect .. Kinect is a whole different animal that amazes me and Move um doesn't .. the camera is horrible during games looks like its snowing on my tv its so low rez .. One good think Move does is overlays over