
@Daetaga: Oh .. yeah im all for that : )

@Copernileo: I dont get it ... It does a fantastic job of controlling my 360 both voice and movement .. yes limited menu's but everything i would want .. other than media center

@CommodoreRake: After reading all your comments i gave my Blu Rays and Player to the homeless .. Gooo Streaming !

Wait for it .. Streaming is for poor people

Oh my here it comes " Blah Blah Blah , i dont care i watch streaming, Streaming is amazing" .. Maybe your sweet 13" black and white Tvs .. but once you get into 60" - 120" Home Theaters , Streaming is CRAP .. I want to rent Blu Ray and Only Blu Ray ... I'm sorry i enjoy Loss less surround sound and pure 1080P , not

@Number 6: What kind of magic spell to use

This a Big smack in the face of Kinetic Dissers who don't even own

Wow it may just me .. but i have no intrest in the movie .. and i

I wrote at a different post but i got My 250GB bundle today and its awesome .. i dint expect much after my Wii collecting dust for years and my Sony Move not being played since launch day .. But Kinect is really on to something .. The Voice control responds great , Motion tracking seemed on point .. i cant wait to

I just played for 2 hours after UPS came with my new 250 GB bundle ... Its awesome ! .. Might be awesome for about as long as Wii was ( a few months) but its WAAAAAY better than my Sony Move and its seriously fun .. i dint notice much lag at all if any (maybe a tiny in the ball game) and i was crazy on the look out

@littlefence: Love the natalie portman artwork as well .. Looks like the Garden state scene but anime'ish

Holy Junk .. i was Soooo pumped for this when i watched the first trailer like forever ago .. Now i am Pumped again ! .. Tron not so much .. but this looks awesome

Like Wii and Sony Move before i bought Kinect just to have it .. Will i use it daily .. nope .. maybe only a few times a year .. but i would feel strange if i dint have it

I would like to Donate a Hamburger

Time to renew my Vows with Amazon .. I still love you baby .. i will never stray

Congrats Brotha.. I have been married for 8 months now .. best 8 months ever .. Sorry gotta run i have to take out the trash

"Insert racist joke here" .. Good Stuff

2 words .. chub rodeo !

The New Mazdaspeed 3's ... 2008 was a Much Much better looking car .. i wanted to trade up to a new one from my 08 but i will wait for a redesign