
I always wondered why my back hurts after I pee

I raised that possibility in the post, yes.

“It controls 41.66 percent of the market whereas Internet Explorer and Microsoft’s new Edge browser collectively have 41.35 percent.”

I don’t understand how drivers complain about working for Uber, but accepted those conditions when they decided to work for Uber. First it was wanting full time benefits even though they knew they didn’t get it being a contractor and now complaining about tips when knowing that Uber doesn’t encourage it.

what? no. X is four times longer than Y relates X and Y. why wouldn’t there be an inverse relation?

It’s 0.25 times longer, clearly.

Came prepared for hysteria, was pleasantly surprised at the tone reporting the facts of the story.

I used to work for the DOE’s Environmental Management Group, prior to its reorganization into the NNSA. The staff at Hanford is among the best in the world at managing the risks of nuclear waste. Tom Fletcher is not the problem; a world-wide war that killed millions of people 75 years ago is to blame. The Hanford

Too bad we shut down the Nuclear waste Storage facility we spent decades building before we actually put it to use. Otherwise, we would have a great place to deal with this crap a little more responsibly.

uhm.... those are middle fingers... not index fingers.

Why are people flying plastic bags so close to airports? Was it from an halal supermarket? These questions need answers!

Steve Stone. That call is an example why he is one of the very best color analysts in the game. He does not get near enough credit nationally. Very few commentators both know the game as well as Stone, AND are able to articulate it as well.

Don’t make me run!-Prince Fielder

But that nuclear waste isn’t fissile material that can produce a bomb, which is the point I was making in my very clear comment.

TIL I’m obviously not a power user of the web browser. These seem like such niche features.

“Design life” refers to the start of normal operations, not when it’s built. Design life of 25 years means that it will last 25 years after you turn it on. The caveat is that equipment sitting around idle has to be maintained in the meantime.

As you say, (semantically) Gadget was a device, experiment or demonstrator rather than a weapon.

There exist all sorts of proven technology to reuse and reprocess spent fuel from reactors, yes.

That would get in the way of mass nuclear hysteria.