
I regret having read this article.

Yeah, this is a very special case (EMTs, etc.) and does not apply to standard office job type situations.

But “counterweight” is such an impressive word. I'm sure I'm using it correctly. Fuck, it's just a blog, who is going to notice?


That is so weird, I totally just caught a BamBrogan, Afshin Pishevar, AND Pendergast in Pokemon Go about an hour ago!

Seriously, I was tying better nooses when I was 11.

the only knot i remember from when i was a FireFighter is a hangman’s noose, that’s no Hangman’s noose

Def not a noose, but more likely a bowline. either way, terrible knot to hang someone with.

be sure to take a picture of that feast and save it to memories

Quick correction - His name is “Destin.” =)

sounds like they mainly don’t want them flying through tunnels or under bridges. If it’s inside a structure it’s technically private property and the FAA can’t do anything about that

Yep thank you, looks like science is playing catch up to the Bible again. ;)

Or in the case of The Martian, red is used to symbolize that he’s on fucking Mars.

Genesis 3:14 “So the Lord God said to the serpent, ‘Because you have done this, cursed are you above all livestock and all wild animals! You will crawl on your belly and you will eat dust all the days of your life.’”

Better to fail at landing than fail at launching. At this point the launch part is getting almost routine.

Big kudos to SpaceX for being willing to fail, and fail in public, letting everyone know that this is part of the process, progress takes time and trials, and no one is getting fired for this.

Well the dam itself is full of water so I wouldn’t expect it to do very much floating, however water sneaking under it may result in his damned dam turning into a damned bathtub.

I thought for sure this would be an article about god mode.