
complaining about what they did in the past doesn’t help solve the problem now. and the problem IS being solved.

you know this problem was created in the very early days of nuclear research and BOMB making, right? this has NOTHING to do with nuclear power.

why not use one of China’s many enormous ghost towns?

i care.

don’t they inspect the plane after every flight anyway?

raw turkey, yum.

he’s getting even worse than Darren Orf

please god make them add a crossed fingers emoji.


i’d do it just to watch videos with Snoop Dogg. and i already have the phone so the only question is why am i procrastinating on getting the VR?

“It’s got to have a dope video card that costs at least.”

i don’t want to join any club that would have me as a member.

i agree that an outdoor shower is tops when it comes to peeing outside. however, the most rewarding occasions for me have been standing on the railing around an enormous bonfire peeing into the mouth of a face carved into a hollow tree trunk as it burns wildly. Nothing beats using your hose to pretend to be a

if you’re that scared of super deadly multirotors falling out of the sky all over the place, stay indoors.

what is it about your mind that you immediately thought i was calling him part of the female anatomy? i clearly was calling him a frightened little baby pussycat.

you’re attitude is no better, thinking your way is the only right way.

i could stand outside the park? and i don’t believe the 500ft rule is accurate, based on the dude that shot a drone out of the sky for flying over his property. i’m no expert, just raising the question. i’ve certainly read that they’re banned in national parks. and it could very well be a bunch of FAA no fly notices

it’s asinine to think you can tell me how to spend my money. even after practicing with a cheap trainer doesn’t mean i’m never going to crash the expensive one. your advice should be “don’t spend 1400$ on a quadcopter if you can’t afford to lose 1400$, regardless of your level of expertise.”

Your comment kind of misses the point, no? apple basically just renamed the existing phone to bamboozle people into thinking it was new.