
do national parks own the air above the parks? if private property isn’t private from the sky... how can national parks be different?


he is obviously not a beginner.

don’t be a pussy. Phantoms are incredibly easy for anyone to learn how to fly with; easier even.

i let my 5 year old nephew fly my Phantom 2 over christmas and he had zero trouble with it. he even landed it better than i could. if you’re thinking about getting a quadcopter for videography, don’t hesitate on getting a Phantom, be it a 2, 3 or 4.

mythbusters would have just tested Tory, Grant, and Kari and used the most conservative value. These guys were just lazy to assume human vampires don’t suck. Isn’t the traditional vampire greeting “i want to SUCK your blood”? they don’t say “i want to let your blood flow slowly into my mouth”.

why would they assume vampires don’t suck? if they were worth anything these students should have calculated it both ways.

you need to update your information. no one wants to use a 60 year old design to build a new nuclear plant today.

i thought everyone already knew this. now if there’s a paper about turning Smurfs into gold.. that would be interesting.

ok, so just do a simple pulley thing with 4 points.. like the skycam thing at football games

mythbusters used a track and pully. and why do you need to shoot a dummy? shoot paper on a wooden frame. and you can rotate the track to achieve different angles.

and what about us loner shut-ins?

false. raw milk is for baby cows. or are you calling calves idiots? harsh man, harsh. you’ve probably never even met a real baby cow.

you do know you can ask them to mix up your burrito at chipotle, right?

have you looked?

or sold.

wasn’t there an episode where this is exactly what they do? someone gets stuck in the transporter, or the beam is interrupted and they just beam out a copy based on previous data. the dude loses months of memories but he’s still alive. or wait... i think that was actually Stargate SG-1

i believe this is embodied by the response to “how do the transporters work?” .... “Very well, thanks.”

i think the most incredible thing about this is that a police force needs a McLaren