
with 125 year old 5-shot bolt-action rifles...

over a century...

it’s just silly hearing one side of a case cry about not getting the evidence they ‘think’ exists.

you ‘assume’ ... riiiiiiight :P

tell that to my 24TB NAS that’s in short need of expansion

same thing happened to me when i got the 2+ ... 4 weeks later the 3 came out for the same price

for real. he didn’t even tilt the earth!

i’m a definite apple hater, but i absolutely agree with them here.

and is anyone going to pay Apple to do it? coders don’t work for free, and “patriotism” doesn’t put food on the table.

aren’t there a bunch of other ways to see who they called? like.. records from the phone company?

double dash or nothing!

how the hell did a phd geophysics student not know what a hot spring is?

you didn’t once say why the US may never pass a law like france did. am i supposed to read that other article to find out? screw that.

correct. similar to Champagne only coming from a certain region in france. that’s only true if you honor the protection, which the US doesn’t. hence we can call anything we want to champagne or tequila.

i meant the location, not the content ;)

my thoughts exactly. also, just because you’re “friends” with someone doesn’t guarantee you actually know them. and “friend hoarders” probably really skew the stats.

and they probably have a ton of the hero4 cameras sitting around.

the session for 200$ is quite the bargain. well, bargain compared to 400$ for the silver. i’ve never looked at competitors.

that looks really nice. except the license plate..