Jon Snow's Chastity Belt

There is no way she’s wearing that thing. Not classy. Sad!

So a man with a history of “domestic disputes” severe enough to warrant the police having to attend was legally able to obtain a gun with which to kill his wife. That’s an odd interpretation of a well regulated militia.

In related news, not so many Lava-brand pumice soap commercials on TV anymore.

Sam Bee and John Oliver!

There’s nothing better than writing something rude and ending it with “All love.” It’s the “no offense” of the social media feud world.

Well now this is intresting.

Emma Carmichael: “I think you meant to send this to someone who cares for your work.”

“You’re a prison” is such a good comeback.


Is it Ashley or Slack that makes all her messages look like haiku?

I feel like there are two kinds of people. People who like Ashley’s stuff and people who become irrationally upset by it and hate jokes and fun and happiness.

When I went to the Deadspin Awards (#humblebrag) I got to meet all of the writers I wanted to meet, with one major exception: Ashley Feinberg. She is a genius and a madwoman.

Ashley seems like the kind of coworker you see running towards the elevator you’re in, while you desperately push the “doors close” button, but she gets her hand in there at the last second.

They all pretty much get my gaydar going. It’s cringeworthy how Jojo comes in for a kiss and how some of these guys pull pack (like Robby on Monday!)

It’s definitely going to be Luke. the questions they were asking him were definitely leading in that direction. Like are you moving on, are you ready for love, etc....

When the boring guy tried to fight him and he was like, “Come on man, we both have on slick dress shoes, you know we’d just fall down” - that was amazing.

He has the “story” though. War veteran, Jojo broke his heart, southern, super boring. He's perfect (to ABC)!

My favorite was the play by play with Evan that showed he did actually shove Chad. Watching Evan’s face as the audience booed him was glorious. Nice guy facade evaporated. Never change, Chad.