Jon Snow 79

The Night's Watch is done after this season when the Wall comes down.

Uh… eclipse vs. a show that you can watch on demand whenever… show please ;-)

No way. The show has gone out of its way to eliminate any gray area with Tyrion. Think about her they even made Shay attack him first, so that he didn't look like a murderer.

"I used to be Theon. Then I became Reek. Now, you can call me Greyworm."

Amen dude. This was, for me, the worst episode ever written. It's like the entire objective was to push the storylines forward no matter how silly the actual content.

Nah, she's taking over the north once it's out that Jon IS a Targ.

We haven't had one scene like, "So, what happened to you these last few years? How come you're a ninja now? So, what was it like seeing Jon fight for Winterfell?"

Why would Dany even entertain meeting Cersie? She has Cersie by the stones and doesn't have anything to really gain by a truce. They (Cersie and Jaimie) have virtually no army outside of the Euron who will be useless against the WW.

It's just bad writing. I think the Greyjoys will be back when it's convenient to fill some time in the story. Also, the whole Winterfell plot just seems like people standing around and waiting for Jon.

The whole story went to sh!t last night, so why not. Maybe as soon as Dany is about to be assassinated, Jorah dives in to save her and dies. Wow!!!

I'm amazed that this got a B+. I have SO many issues with this episode:

Coming from the PC world and playing games like Quake and Unreal, Goldeneye was pretty much a joke. But, I do get the importance of it in the console world.

Good point. Also consider that the Tyrell army was brought into the fold during the Blackwater, which ultimately tipped the balance of that battle.

Don't discount the fact that last season she had a couple of scenes fighting with the Waif. We have to assume that there was much more involved in her combat training offscreen. Also, Arya has been training and practicing her water dancing since season one and learning from all of her companions, including the Hound.

"Avatar of unearned success." Explain that please. Dany has already ridden her dragon twice in battle. That's more than anything Cersie and even Tywin have done. At least she gets her hands dirty.

Yup. I think it's just the icing on the cake. Arya is a killing machine and I think Sansa had a moment of full on realization during that fight with Brienne.

I didn't help that she was basically just standing there waiting to chat. It's Skyrim where you can always count on that character being in the same place.

Pitchfork is nauseating.

Good point on a topic that they haven't acknowledged on the show, at least I don' think they have. Cersie should want LF's head for bringing the Vale to Winterfell and putting the Starks back in control. We never hear about that at all.

I think her encounter with Nymeria was more foreshadowing than just a cute reunion.