
The correct answer is the next Duke Nukem game!

She, actually!

Well actually he first appear at the San Anselmo Country Fair parade on September 24, 1978, and we should never forget it.

I dunno, the original looks near enough to the one we got in ROTJ that it works for me, and the performance is better, which counts for a lot.

Exactly this. 

I’ll add workplace conditions are a factor as well. Doctors, nurses, EMT’s, orderly’s, maintenance workers, sanitation workers, grocery employees, USPS, utility workers, call center workers, nursing home aides, fast food workers, restaurant owners, cops, prison guards. Many black Americans are doing work that is

Not only do people of color have less access to healthcare but because of other biases they tend to live in higher density areas, live with more extended families making transmission more likely and do not have access to healthy foods leading to higher incidence of obesity, diabetes and other health issues that make

South Park knew the solution to this problem 15 years ago.

Griefers have been around for a long, long time. I’ve been on the Internet since 1991 (pre-web). I’m pretty sure the popular MUDs and MOOs and MUSHes all had their share of greifers.

levar burton should do whatever the hell he wants for life if it means him doing something good for literacy, education, and for being him.

i would not want to be that lawyer that’s against him. 

Now playing

Even The Doors were into the Reading Rainbow

This. It would also be a great way for authors to get some exposure. People are still going to buy these books.

Hate to break it to you but not all authors control their works, there are publishers and other hangers-on who may control the rights of certain books. ... I would suggest that he announce what we would like to read, and then the publish shame the hell out of anyone trying to prevent it....

Now playing

I really do hope this happens. That show was incredibly wholesome and really did inspire a joy for reading that I’ll hold onto for the rest of my life.


This is why he is so desperate to win re-election. He knows the minute he leaves office his fat ass goes to jail. Tish James in NYC is waiting for his ass

He wants this to end so he can go back to stealing our money to take with him by making us continue pay for his trips to his resorts.

Does he know it’s not his money, he won’t get to take it when he leaves office?
