
You’re going to tell me that Sexism isn’t a thing anymore? That is where you’re pushing from? Sure, Chad, I believe that.

Do you live where she does? That’s a *very* local market driven thing. Childcare ain’t pants or shoes or celphones. You can’t get it off Amazon, so locals set the price, and a lot of that is set by local govt inspection and licensing fees.

Yeah, you wanna see sexism in action, watch the BernieBots get all foamy at the mouth about Warren. There’s so very little daylight between them that it’s not funny, but boy they get all screamy and shit when you point out how much Liz has had to do to get the same amount of media coverage.

Leo, Dismiss that fucking Troll Burner, that steaming bag of rancid catshit doesn’t deserve to use any oxygen here.

The real irony here is that cops are most likely to be killed by Nazis, yet they identify with often are them.

The CDC is currently a hollowed out shell of itself. US contributions to WHO were almost entirely gutted. US Citizens and people all over the world may die because of that Punk Ass Bitch. I really hope Bloomie doesn’t get the opportunity to prove me wrong, but I do actually think he would not have crossed that bridge.

I”m gonna be real, this is the fight I can get behind.

I don’t like Bernie. I’m really kind of fucking tired of Old Ass White Guys running everything. And compared to Warren, he’s been sketchy with details and numbers on his plans for a lot of stuff. And besides that, his constant blindness to the very important racial issues we’re facing, added to his scummy-chumminess

dude, dismiss that grey shit.


Some doucheknuckle elsewhere in the comments whined about how if we start this, the list of atrocities would go on forever, completely unfazed by that fact and the irony of whining about trying to educate people so that shit doesn’t happen again.

She really does look like she should have a mess of tentacles under that skirt, like some kind of ozarkian, daddy fucking, rhythm-less Ursula.

Wasn’t this fucker on about his daughter’s private bits, all over twitter, just like a month ago? Why are we listening to him again?

They know that, yo. They are scared shitless. They are turning every screw they can find to keep us away or take away our voices.

I don’t get the hate for SZA on this. We demand constant access to these artists. We demand that they be ‘real’, be ‘authentic’. But when they have a moment where they are down on themselves, or regret something that is, honestly, just a matter of opinion about themselves, people pile on like that artist has no right

Ahhhh KFC.

Good! Then lets work on the Wilmington Insurrection of 1898 next.

Racists are weak, cowardly fucks. They attack those they think are weaker than they are. That’s why they love Trump so much; he’s as big of a punk ass bitch as they are, attacking only when they know they can ‘get away with it’, never risking an actual fight, never standing up to those bigger than they are, always

They targeted the wrong kid, freaked out, made up a bullshit excuse, and flung it at the wall.