RCP is where Rapethuglicans like to go when they want their blatant propaganda to be smeared around with numbers until it resembles something like data.
RCP is where Rapethuglicans like to go when they want their blatant propaganda to be smeared around with numbers until it resembles something like data.
Ya’ll. Seriously, stop feeding fucking trolls just because he *seems* like he’s agreeing with you.
Thirsty thirsty Russian hookers bots.
Oh Admi whatthefuck ever your name is Sack. I see you replying. But I keep the dismiss hand strong. No one cares about your racist screeds.
This is it. Every time Drumpf loses his shit on camera is a new attack ad. Every time one of his toadies has to insist that he’s done nothing wrong, is another arrow to point at them. Maybe it will convince some people, maybe it will just keep the rest of us on a constant boil. Maybe, just maybe, it will shear some of…
I’m not saying this lady ain’t a racist. But I had lots of feelings about Kobe when I heard he died, and sadness at the sudden passing of a man that got away with rape wasn’t one of them.
That’s a lot of words just to punch down at a raped woman.
In before it gets bad.
This is the thing we need to do. Dems in safe seat need to pop shots at Drumpf constantly. Keep him up off his seat. He has no composure. He has no poise or grace. He will respond in the most grating, childish manner possible.
Drumpf is deeply unpopular in Utah. Mittens didn’t burn any bridges distancing himself from that dumpster fire. The evangelical-catholic block conservative vote seems to hold no water in Utah, though they’ll still vote their pocket book. I kinda wonder if the Mormons are still pissed at all the Evels that flipped…
It’s the “I didn’t care enough at the time to not take their money” defense also known as the “The only life that matters to me is Mine” defense. Which is fucking awful, but is somehow ok in their minds.
You’re not wrong.
Caucuses. Are. The. Worst.
Goddamn this pisses me off. Sens. Harris and Booker were both in my top 5 (Kamala leading) until they dropped out. And Bloomberg just pisses me off. Fucking UGH.
Fuck that’s some stomach turning shit there. It’s like, telling your employees that you expect to kill them and feast on their corpse. I would 1000000% rather be the chicken than that pig.
Let’s take a moment to make sure that everyone understands; This Ain’t Drumpf’s Money.
Don’t forget that she’s got the movie Antebellum coming up also, which looks like it has her in the lead role. I’m pretty excited to see what she’s doing in that film.
Goddamn, you’re on fire! I cackled for real at that last one.