

What a random ass collection of celebrities to be at a Rangers game!  Who’s at the Fliers game?  Jay-Z & Beyonce, Ellie Kemper, Chris Evans, Idris Elba, and the Maytag Repairman?

A skier with a needle in his arm? I guess my command of Craigslist Personals slang isn’t as strong as I thought.

This video is going to make Peter Thiel so hard.

Counterpoint: ‘chalet sauce’ is awful and everything else is not much better than what you could get at the Metro store hot counter in the same plaza.

It isn’t the focus of this one, more of a throat-clearing aside.

I got the impression that the article is criticizing the macabre absurdity of teachers having to come up with their own strategies to keep their students safe from gun violence, because society and the system have abandoned them on this issue.

I’m a high school teacher, and I’d like to emphasize that individual teachers are expected to use their own time and money to secure their classrooms in the event of a lockdown. Our school spent time practicing for a lockdown last year, and aside from the general psychological fuckeditude of the experience, we were

What developers mean when they say a game is “non-political” is that they focus grouped and polled the best way to present a narrative designed to offend the very least amount of people. Oh, the bad guys aren’t even Russia, they’re a ~rogue faction~, they’re a fictional cartel, a shadow cabal. What they always fail to

Removing the offensive nature of it, I don’t understand how it’s even funny. It’d be like if I spilled my soda, and somebody came up behind me and said, “I’LL SHOW YOU A REAL SPILLED SODA.”

You could say that about literally any puzzle game or point and click adventure game ever made, yet they still have people playing them. Don’t see why this would be any different.

guess you forgot to invite me to that meeting, The Last Jedi is the most fun I’ve had with a Star Wars movie since the original trilogy ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

nah man last jedi rocks.

The Jedi both planned and fought in a war wearing layers of flowing material. Princess Leia and Mon Mothma commanded Death Star attacks in pristine white gowns. People are running all over the damn place in Star Wars world in dresses. Of all the weird-ass corners people are poking in to get mad about Last Jedi, this

Real talk for a second though, this kind of stuff (even if you meant it as a joke) does nothing good for the game’s community as a whole.

The worst part is when you’ve really got to go and you don’t have time to untangle the ol’ earbud cables and it splashes on the toilet seat.

I get super bad motion sickness for any first person games, and even some third person games with tight over-the-shoulder angles (looking at you, Arkham games). I eat Ginger candies to take away the nausea once I get it, but it hasn’t helped me much preventing it.

Laurent concluded: “Scott could have avoided owning his past and his consequences. He could have left Riot. Scott chose ownership and redemption. I will root for him, will support him through this journey, and will leverage him as a great leader when he returns next year. I hope you will join me.”

Yeah, it could have been as good as The Lovely Bones, or The Hobbit trilogy.

God i love this show. But I’d really appreciate: