
“Reasonable” is a major caveat; a lot of Irish-Americans who feel disenfranchised lean heavily on that trope to this day. They complain that the Irish were the first and last slaves in America, that indentured servitude was the same as chattel slavery and that Irish-Americans “got over it” and African-Americans

I thought it was by various shitstains to argue that anti-”white” racism is a thing

At this point that flag is as coopted as an old Sanskrit symbol for wellbeing and good fortune.

I don’t know what’s wrong with me for preferring this to that but something definitely is.

But who will play B.R.O.D.O.K.?

Or would you rather not have towering artistic achievements like Red Dead or the Witcher.

Yes creative endeavors with deadlines can require crunch whether at the fault of technical hiccups or poor time management from either the client or employer doing the scheduling. I’ve logged a couple of 70 hour weeks over the years but never multiple weeks in a row and since going to my new job i don’t think I’ve hit

If you don’t like it, do something else. Get a different job.

Shitty take. Just ‘cuz it’s been this way for however long doesn’t mean it needs to continue this way.

You can repeat yourself as often as you like, and you’ll still be wrong. stand is better than a meager stand?

That’s not a correction. “Some” is the obvious and expected qualifier to that statement. Some Christians all over the country. Some men are trash. Some white people are racist.

Well, that and lesbians

A play about the New Yorker sounds like the most dry thing I've ever heard

That would be Stormy the Ice Hog, obviously. I mean we are talking about ice hockey and hurricanes here, how did you not go straight to ice hog?

To be fair, Marvel has taken advantage of the multiverse by creating the team known as The Exiles.

Licorice only has one flavour, licorice flavour, which, to be fair, is usually actually anise.

i’m pretty sure everyone in this world is named harry potter, otherwise they wouldn’t have titled the books that. just like they named the game bloodborne after the main character, john bloodborne.