
Why do we get mostly out of focus videos and gifs instead of basic photos?


Canada is part of North America.....

So business as usual in the Mobile market.

This should be interesting. Sports media overall are a pretty self-righteous group, but those same people are not going to want to go after Peyton Manning.

Homer: Ned Flanders, I mock your value system. You also appear foolish to the eyes of others.

Great gif, but no way in hell is “Have you tried/looked in a mirror?” a sick burn. Yo mama jokes are even fresher than that.

Scary is scary. If it scared the author, I don’t see why it shouldn’t count.

“DUDE, pull over now! We’re picking her up!”
“She’s pointing guns RIGHT at us!”
“Just shut up and do it already!”

I heard you like Monster High....

Since they go to the same shoemaker:

Because Ken always gets the ladies!

We can always dream.

Relevant. Not my entry though. ‘Twas on the smash reddit, props to whoever made this originally.

Me and hair just had a falling out is all.

Why can’t the nerds fuck after seeing Star War

He’s such a dick; diving, slew footing, slashing, commiting dirty plays and then whining to the refs as if it could possibly be his fault