
“white performative liberal tendencies”—This isn’t SJW bingo— the words you string together actually have to *mean* something when you put them in a sentence.

It’s almost as if the entire Star Wars series is based on traditional story tropes and archetypes that are hundreds if not thousands of years old. Who would have thought!

How are Marvel and Instagram related in any way?

I don’t think you know what a villain is. Hank Schraeder is an antagonist on breaking bad. He’s not a villain. The villain is the person who does bad things. And anti hero is a hero that isn’t squeaky clean. The punisher is an anti hero. Batman is an anti hero. The joker is not a hero, even if he got his own series.

I’m sorrry, he just unleashes a flood, puts out the sun, unleashes a plague, set all the sould in tartarus loose on earth, destroys olympus, rhodes and various other unnamed cities. Yeah he’s bascially ghandi.

He just reached a point where collateral damage means nothing to him.

Um... Yeah, it is. Is the only remake you’ve ever seen “Psycho”?

I would say the bigger issue is the perception that intelligence and talent only present with a certain kind under a certain kind of appearance; that looking in a way that some people consider ridiculous precludes an individual from having an important contribution to make in other capacities. Also interestingly male

Yes, because she just “made” it without any difficulty or effort on her part and she’s certainly not qualified to speak about the sexism in the music industry after working her way through it... Let’s ignore the fact that she has stated that she was raped by a producer as a budding artist. That’s certainly not sexism

I don’t mind Aubrey himself, he seems all right albeit musically dull, but that gawdawful neckbeard has got to go. DUDE WE CAN SEE THAT YOU’RE TRYING TO COVER NECK FAT. JUST FUCKING OWN IT. Christ.

Tell it to the Indigenous Tribes.

Even Papa John himself seems to have suffered some debilitating injury that’s left him unable to stand on his own.

is that a Hungarian Bentail? an Affleck Fireball? a Common Welsh Gigli?

If he were jerking off, he probably would have turned off the Victoria’s Secret show to avoid the distraction.

If you’re not eating something because you don’t like it, then you’re absolutely not who she’s getting at in this article. Chill out, she wasn’t getting a dig at you.

That’s fine and dandy that you just don’t like sugar, (though I don’t think she’s being quite so literal with the cake thing), but I feel obligated to say that what the bathroom scale says is no indication of whether or not a person has an eating disorder. (I’m not saying that you do, of course, but that in general

Am I supposed to respond with “Said Nobody Ever.” Is this a veiled hint at sarcasm?

A lot of their hockey ones get posted to r/hockey and are incredible reads. This might be the most raw, but there were a few other amazing ones:

Brah looks like a happy Ivan Drago!

These Fallout 4 physics glitches are ridiculous!