Which is kinda what happens in any creative process.
Which is kinda what happens in any creative process.
going outside my species for companionship is not in anyone’s best interest.
This black guy thinks you’re working with outdated generalizations of what “black people” do and don’t play.
This is actually different from the DOAX3 thing in a key way. In this case, a creator confidently and thoughtfully explained what they were doing in a way that at the very least was persuasive to the audience in front of him. I’ve long maintained that many of these controversies and debates are not helped when…
I get what Druckmann is saying, and I think his intentions here are good. It’s rad that games can allow people to transcend their appearances. But there’s still context to keep in mind. There are still black actresses and actors not getting recognized for their work—or not getting work at all. Not being able to see…
This is a lie, because he smiles sometimes.
He just seems like the most Russian Russian to ever Russia.
That’s merely a gentleman’s “B.”
Have you ever balled as hard as these newlyweds at Saturday’s Minnesota Wild game?
“Oh yes,” he ejaculated.
They should keep selling it but donate $850 per sweater to a food bank up north. That’ll buy about 8.5 jugs of milk.
No, that’s irrelevant to the point. If PlayAsia makes a comment like that accusing an “SJW” movement of something they didn’t do, of course people are gonna come out and speak up about it. That’s whoever runs that PlayAsia account seeing something that isn’t there and throwing mud in people’s faces for no reason.
Gator scum, dear ignorant commenter, made a big deal about it as another censorship/cultural marxism/political correctness gone mad or whatever talk, and as a result game journalists wrote about it. Because that’s their job.
Play Asia and Tecmo are different companies. It’s Play Asia manufacturing outrage for import sales here.
Why did you get married when you were 16?
If you buy your lady some nice lingerie, I suggest buying yourself some nice shorts so when your women walks into the bedroom wearing the sexy outfit that you're not standing there in your skid marked BVDs.
The hot chocolate has sealed the Bard skin purchase, as far as I am concerned.