We had a male receptionist at a company I used to work at. He was gay. Weirdly, he married a woman; we hope that works out, because they both seem nice.
We had a male receptionist at a company I used to work at. He was gay. Weirdly, he married a woman; we hope that works out, because they both seem nice.
In a Lifetime/Hallmark movie, he would secretly be an angel who gave advice to the lonelyheart office workers and eventually played matchmaker to a just-jilted female lawyer and dashing male partner.
I actually went as all-new Jughead for Halloween this year. The hat (whoopie cap) is made from a fedora. You turn it inside out, cut the brim off (easier that it sounds) and then shape the crown pattern around it. In my case I spray painted it a grayer color and added on the patches which are just felt pieces. This is…
People, it turns out, like to be deceived into thinking they’re getting a sale, even when they’re really not.
But if you hold of on actual news to maintain a relationship, you’re just an arm of their public relations department and not a journalist.
just blow the thing up and air a full mites-on-ice game instead.
As Cool as I am - Dar Williams
Well hopefully they don’t get audited by Gandhi.
It may be obvious to the rest of us (especially those of us playing EvE Online...) but sometimes data just needs to have a different link or reference to get it to make sense.
No dummy, it’s residual radioactive material that condenses in the atmosphere after a nuclear detonation.
The tank from Mass Effect went Super Saiyan?
Geez, DBZ novice much?
Patricia this isn’t Goku, this is Squall from Dragon Quest VII
wow goku looks weird here what super saiyan level is this
Doesn’t seem that bad to be honest. If they are all full games like they’re saying, this is like getting two Fire Emblem games for the full retail price of a single console game.
It’s probably smooth, flat, and protruding from his kidney area.
Women from the start of comic books up until a few years ago: “Ugh, almost every single hero is male”.
Alright. Let me sit you down and tell you a thing. So “Baby It’s Cold Outside” was written in 1944 and it’s about a man and a woman discussing ways they can spend the night together because they are unmarried and doing so back then would be hugely disastrous socially for the woman. They come up with excuses they can…
Erykah Badu is (a) probably the greatest soul singer of her generation and (b) has been famous for longer than Deadspin has been a website (Baduizm is old enough to vote these days). She doesn’t need Drake or Deadspin to make herself famous.