
The real question is: What happens when you have 4 people playing in coop, none of them shooting? The 3 AI players in the vehicle are only there to be your co-op partners. If you’re playing with one other person for example there are only 2 AIs, so I’d be interested in seeing what happens when you have 4 real people

They’re assuming that the people who stand in line for days at a time to buy a new iPhone, will be the same people who will rush to the movie theaters to watch (multiple) Jobs biopics. And people have always liked stories about real-life criminals.

Well Apple Fanboys is a special bunch, the producers already know that they are willing to shell out money every year for the same product with some token improvements.

Not directly related, but I always found interesting how Colonel Sanders (or “Uncle Kentucky” as he’s known in Japan) is viewed in Japan.

My favorite anecdote is how celebrating Hanshin Tigers Baseball fans threw a local Colonel Sanders prop into a river after winning the Japan Series title in 1985... prompting a

I feel like people who say this don’t remember the shitty sketches and always think SNL peaked when they were a teen. It’s still awesome. I think The Lonely Island years brought something really special to SNL, mainly digital shorts.

Calling protests counterproductive is having a very narrow view on this. The protests represent more than just against Trump. These protests can be used as a call to action. The loud “fuck you” heard after the rapist and murderers comment was because people are no longer taking this lying down. It may be

Is it weird to think that I’m genuinely interested in playing with teammates who encourage teamwork, and not spending every day trying to figure out champs to best win in SPITE of no teamwork? “you’ve had to spend a lot of time playing League of Legends” — Possibly, but I also don’t have ALL the time to be playing

Maybe time for Doc to find a different phrase other than “the probing continues by Kane.” Yikes.

This actually reminds me of the Batman TAS episode: House and Garden where ivy attempted to have a normal family and a normal suburban life using plant clones.

Interesting, but unless the wife turns out to be the Scarlet Witch in a Haloween costume, I don't give a damn. Might pick up the trade later, though.

Lacob’s Splatter

Tyler laying the ground work early. Next step, convince her to go to school near Dallas in two years. That’s what sets Tyler apart, long term planning.

I don’t get why you’d play something several times and watch videos of something you don’t like.

Dude only decided to call the cops because they stiffed him on the tip. He had no problem with them walking out after 7 margs each.

You know, more than one person can be at fault in a single situation; it’s not a zero-sum blame game. I don’t condone driving after 7 margaritas, but rofl at everyone rushing to commend someone who didn’t see any problem with bringing a single two-top FOURTEEN margaritas.

Wait, we’re applauding the guy who apparently overserved a couple and then called the cops on them because he didn’t like the tip?

Picture semi-related.

Well considering there is over twenty years of crimes against rape victims in the NHL that have been covered up by an entire town at one point, benefit of a doubt was lost a very long time ago.

Its a total cluster. Its hard to tell, but there is a good chance he did something non consensual with this woman. I doubt that this is some elaborate hoax to try to get money out of Kane. That being said if anything was going to happen in regards to him being charged; the rape kit tampering torpedoed by the looks of

i don’t do ANL.