
My uncle wasn’t even phased by it. His reaction was basically simple annoyance that he’d been pulled away from his important cases over some dumb trees and a few hacked up deer. If I’d been there, I would have burst into tears and pooped myself simultaneously.

During the 2012 campaign, I could never decide whether the Romney/Ryan vibe was father/son, lovers, or both.

If you hadn’t said, and I just glanced at this, I would assume it was the Duggars.

Backyard? Sure, brag.

eh. Acknowledging what others do is a good practice. If my husband and I both clean the house, we both thank each other. not because it wasn’t expected, but because it is appreciated.

What is LaCroix and more importantly, what the hell is pamplemousse?

I mean... #INeedAnswers

Metal.... As.... Fuck

Sex Criminals isnt an erotic comic. It just talks about/focuses on/jokes about sex

I remember the story about the writing on the door....because I am now obessive about locking all doors and windows.

I’m awaiting the impending Chew crossover.

I finally picked up Destiny this past Tuesday, and I can’t wait to catch up on what all this lingo means. At least now I know that Glimmer is money and Light is the total power of your equipment.

Hot gay skier who rescues puppies- my erotic fiction submission to Honcho magazine, 1997.

There it is.

In before the Downhill Slalom Warriors come here and start pushing their pro-ski agenda....

He really wanged that ball. I mean he just cocked back and drilled it. That thing was hammered. Even a one-eyed monster could tell that junk was headed all the way to Johnsonville. The Mets are really giving the Cubs the shaft.