
Firefly without Adam Baldwin I fucking hope.

If I could do stuff like that, I’d probably be sporting a chubby all the time too.

This is just the beginning of the story, man. Don’t get all up in a huff about something we don’t entirely get just yet.

The Emperor is Space Oprah? That’s terrifying.

Not sure you can blame this on the non-existent “Internet police” when this was an internal decision made with zero publicity before it happened.

The “internet police” didn’t take the option away from you.

Cool, these costumes seemed incredibly out-of-place to me. It’s good to see they’ve at least replaced them with costumes that will be fun for a wider audience.

I want that salted licorice so badly my mouth is watering.

No mention of Sexy Batman?

Kate Beaton’s the best version of a comic artist.

The space between those two things is so wide, you could bury the Mariana’s trench there, sideways, and still have room for a couch. Make sure to stretch before you try another reach like that.

Here’s my question regarding commercials, all commercials. Why do all of the people (men, women and even kids) when they are at home, working or playing outside in the yard, on the car or working in the house, they all wear two layers? A button shirt over a colored t-shirt? When me and wife are outside in nice weather

Race is not the same as sex/gender. “Femininity” is not a culture.

Why didn’t He just say so?

Actually, I think it was Phil’s mother, Lucy, who was tragically mauled during a horrendous candy conveyor belt mishap.

Learning something about a subject you find interesting when you’re on a commute or cleaning the bathroom? It’s pretty logical, honestly.

“Just under the eyes? That’s it? Pussy.”

The NFL is so quick to fine the snot out of a player for having writing on their eye black, but does nothing when a player gives his wife or girlfriend a black eye. Unless they get forced into reacting by unhappy corporate sponsors, that is...

This motherfucker is FABULOUS.

The "hot enough" thing drove me off the wall. People would come in and order their lattes at 190-200 degrees, MILK CURDLES AT 180 YOU NASTIES. Also, steaming it to much hotter than the typical "extra hot" setting makes the milk spit viciously and I'm not about to burn myself just so you can melt the lining of your