
At least he is going for cake instead of dog shit this time.


I just control-F’ed the word “attack.” I didn’t use this word once. A lot of people seem to mistake “this isn’t funny” with “I’m offended” or “I’m upset,” or even “I feel hurt” when in actuality the two do not go hand in hand. It’s kind of like, if someone told me a “what’s the deal with airline food” joke I wouldn’t


“and it just ruined the tone of the game.” Because excluding those characters, Street Fighter is all business. Street Fighter is campy as hell. Get over yourself.

Do you play League of Legends on the North America servers? Have you played since they moved to Chicago? If the game is running well—or better than it was before—let us know. If you’re having any connection issues, let us know that, too! We want to get a sense of how League is running post-move. Thanks!

I don’t know why Jack got his own series. He’s probably the worst of the major characters.

What could the added value of a show entitled “What Men Really Think” possibly be? I’m bombarded with male opinions about things every day.

Man, this is so much cooler than when Jack Johnson’s parents stole my kid’s piggy bank.

Your hot taker hot took without consequence.

Reminder: the people who comment “who cares? why is this news?” are absolutely not emotionally indifferent to it.

What? I am plenty old enough to know Bjork and Portishead, too. Twigs is fantastic. No need to sneer. The comparison flatters everybody.

Now playing

This was amazing. Visually intoxicating it was at once too much and not enough. I wanted to see more. Bravo Twigs, love her.

Who twisted his arm to get his buddies together and go out in public to pick up random women to party with (and sexually assault)? Millions of dollars from celebrity endorsements on one hand, cheap handful of ass in the other...

All it takes to lose an endorsement deal? Yes, that’s exactly right - having your public image tarnished is all it takes to lose income that’s based on your public image.

Jesus fucking christ, EA didn’t put him in jail or suspend him from playing. They just think it’s probably smarter to avoid using him as a marketing tool to sell a game. He could be charged tomorrow, he could be on trial in 6 months, and then they’re stuck with him already printed on the’s not a smart risk

Losing a sponsorship deal is hardly “persecution”. And if you want to keep your celebrity endorsements then you’ve got to behave - that’s part of the deal, whether implicitly or explicitly. Kane goes out all the time and gets wasted and does stupid stuff, so even if he didn’t commit rape, he’s done a lot of stuff to

“Won’t anybody please think of the accused rapists sponsorship deals!?!?!”

This isn’t a trial, this is PR. EA doesn’t want to associate their brand with an alleged rapist, as is their right.

Good, no need to celebrate rapists.