
They really are. And they always remind me of this picture of them, which is just great.

I have a memory of an interview with him saying something like, “I do this really stupid thing and she does this really amazing, serious thing and I’m not worthy!” <3 Sometimes I get wrapped up in her image of being a twee indie darling and then I listen to YS again and it makes my whole body tingle.

SpongeBob did it first and he did it better.

We have whole houses here devoted to them.

I got Trump and Hathaway correct. Pretty sure that means I’m going to Hell or something.

I got 4... I was guessing on all but 2

*comes to Kitchenette*

To be sure. Let me be clear—in no way is this meant to construe that the other work Barry publishes is less well written. It’s meant to praise his work on a topic on which most writers/sports media are woefully under educated. The local sports talk radio clowns here in upstate NY are infuriatingly ignorant on the

Here’s the thing - in sexual assault cases DAs rarely want to go after the accused. It’s the only crime where the accuser’s word is just not good enough. So just because so-and-so was not charged with rape doesn’t mean they’re innocent.

Shit like this is why most women don’t report their rapes.

I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again:

It is not at all unusual to report accusations of crimes that are made to thepolice as they come out.

Season One of Empire was a guilty pleasure, as I expected it to be terrible, but ended up pleasantly surprised by how engrossing its trashiness could be. And honestly, I CANNOT STAND Terrance Howard, and despite this I still enjoyed the show and its devil may care attitude towards writing. But I tune in for Cookie and

Locked up, where Terrance Howard should be. Instead he roams the streets

I’m not sure; but you’d need three or four non-credited book generators to pull it off.

Other things the NFL doesn’t know:

Glad to see Lennay Kekua has found a new beau.

When I was a kid (1976ish) my family went to some kind of food show at a convention center. There was a display table for Dannon yogurt. The woman asked if we wanted to try and began stirring a container. My mother asked what she was doing. It was fruit on the bottom yogurt. My mother had been serving it to us for

“thank god Rory chose Yale”

I picture her as a young woman, beautiful, pursued by five young men. Four of them bring her bouquets of roses, each in a different shade, each trying to outdo the other, one lovely afternoon when she was receiving guests in the front parlor. But the fifth, Howard, the one her heart ached for, beautiful, doomed