Sex bomb Andrea Pirlo is rumored to be signing soon to play in MLS with NYCFC, and the Italian heartthrob showed up…
Sex bomb Andrea Pirlo is rumored to be signing soon to play in MLS with NYCFC, and the Italian heartthrob showed up…
Did you read the headline? The U.S. clearly got this idea from Fire Emblem, which is a video game. You also could have just not clicked on it.
Don’t even forget about ruining the fabric of marriage, which we know is bullshit.
We can already summon hurricanes and cause earthquakes, if the magic motion picture box is to be believed.
I didn’t read that at all. Maybe you decided you didn’t like the author before reading.
This works so perfectly I’m fully convinced that the developers made sure that this would work as well as it does.
people really freaking out about the least spoiler spoiler that can happen in anything batman related?
I’m not even sure he’s returning from the dead to be completely straight with you. This is a game where Scarecrow is the main antagonist. You know, the guy who makes people halucinate thier worst fears as his main shtick? Anything that happens before he’s put down is fair game to be skeptical about and the author of…
Sounds like the Joker is back at least in voice. Though to be honest I think Scnew is making a bit of a logical leap from saying X voicing the Joker part way through to meaning the Joker is alive and kicking again when we know Scarecrow (aka Halucinogen man) is the main villian.
In a comic book based franchise? Yeah that’s pretty minor.
The “Do literally anything else” comment was more of a word of warning, than a shaming of those who have used them, at least is my eyes. He wasn’t claiming that everyone who uses them is blind to the problems, just begging them to exhaust ALL options before obtaining one.
I’m not sure who the artists are, or their sex and gender, but female power fantasies are cool, as long as they’re being defined predominantly by women.
Eh, let’s take off those rose-tinted glasses of nostalgia. No matter what era you look at the majority of games made were crap, it’s just we bought and remember the games that were great. For every great game you love there were 10 games that were absolute garbage, either licensed sholveware or games like “18 Wheeler:…
Given that “Gamers” now encompasses people from all ages, all races, all genders and all cultures, I think you’re going to have a hard time pinning down “what they like” to a single thing. People who play games like lots of things.
The problem isn’t the writers, the problem are the consumers. It’s your job to find…
Hopefully a Crash Bandicoot.
Listen, the kid is young and needs a lot of activity. That’s standard parenting. And any parent knows, no one in a Maple Leafs jersey is playing after May.
This isn’t politics, it’s good parenting.
Your recipe made me happy but the lack of potato in your life made me sad. This comment was a real roller coaster of emotions.