Jon O'Neal

Right. That's like forcing yourself to only use Vimeo because shitheads post shithead comments on YouTube.

Well, I don't think it will really win anyone over because this is apparently some dirt poor regional wrestling federation. My point was more that it doesn't seem like The Progressive Liberal is a character who gets heat from being cowardly, weak, etc. which would reinforce stereotypes about liberals. He's playing

I think this a chicken or the egg discussion. I imagine most people at these local shows really don't know who the wrestler so he goes lowest common denominator and adopts a persona he knows the audience will hate. They don't automatically know he's a heel. He becomes a heel because he's employing one of the most

Not like that matters. He's a liberal portraying a liberal and he gets to talk to crowds in Appalachia about how stupid they are and how they vote against their own interests. The gimmick doesn't seem to be he's a massive coward or he pisses his pants in the ring or anything like that. He's just an asshole who says

Don't forget "donkey-brained".

Yeah, VF's Quest mode was probably the most fun I had playing single player in a fighting game.

I really think that's the worst way to make single player content for fighting games. The best part of fighting games is the fighting (who would have guessed) so rationing that over a bad to mediocre movie that lasts three hours creates a boring experience.

I agree that fighting games need to teach themselves to players and that Xrd has probably the best tutorial in regards to teaching a player why and how they should do something (including esoterica like option selects). However, I'm not convinced that great tutorials will have a noticeable impact in making casual

Street Fighter II was a phenomenon so millions and millions of skill-less players had fun thrashing each other while a small group learned the minutiae of the game and got better. The majority of 2D fighting games borrow heavily from SF2 so a lot of knowledge transfers between games, allowing players good at one

Nathan Spencer is fine. They just should have used his 80's, OG Bionic Commando "Rad Spencer" look. Or gave him his Bionic Commando 2 look with the 'stache.

Well, yes and no. Players will throw fireballs all the time with no hope of them actually making contact with their opponent. The thing all fighting games all boil down to is controlling space. Each player wants to control space in a way that puts them in a spatial position that is best for their character (Zangief

The lesson Capcom took from Street Fighter V is that they needed to show people that Marvel Vs. Capcom Infinite has a story mode. Which is frustrating because apparently the Vs. demo they had at E3 is a lot more recent (and less ugly) but because they got raked over the coals over SFV's lack of singleplayer content

I think your latter points regarding Jimmy being compared to Chuck are true but I do think he's jealous of his brother and how well-liked he was. We see that with how Jimmy effortlessly makes Chuck's wife laugh, while his own lawyer joke falls flat, and how his mother's final words were "Where's Jimmy?" He believes

I imagine it could come up when Jimmy sees Howard again like at, say, Chuck's funeral. It's not something that I assume has to happen because 1) Chuck and Howard don't know Jimmy was the impetus for their premium increase and 2) Jimmy doesn't know that's what caused Chuck to be bought out. However, I do think it's

I'm not laying the blame at Jimmy's feet for Chuck's death because their relationship, and his mental illness, really complicate identifying a cause and effect. However, it was Jimmy's petty attempt to raise his brother's legal insurance premiums that kicked off everything. Surprisingly, Jimmy humiliating Chuck on the

That's one of the least truthful things he's said, though. You can see him pretending to be absorbed in his work until he hears Jimmy leaves his house at which point he cuts the charade.

I do wonder how Hamlin would continue to be a character in the show as he should no longer have ties to anyone in the main cast. I'm sure he'll be involved in the fallout after Chuck's suicide but I can't see him sticking around all of next season. Which is a shame because I really like the character.

Yeah, I live in West Virginia and can attest to this. I grew up near the capital so while people are definitely poorer here than most other states, I considered the stereotypes of West Virginians as barefoot hillbillies to be fairly far fetched. Eventually my work took me to the poorest towns in my state and it

She could have arthritic pain for the rest of her life from a car accident like that. Of course, she's in the perfect climate to deal with arthritic pain.

The non-American release of the film where all the Taco Bells were replaced with Pizza Huts would be a much more nightmarish existence.