Jon O'Neal

Mad Bull 34 is the title, actually. And yeah, that series is so insane and what I love best about anime/manga. Japan was at its best when it devoured Western action cinema and regurgitated an even more bizarre and psychotic interpretation of America.

No, it's more like Akuma exists in the Tekken universe and is involved with the series fratricidal, volcano heavy conflict.

As soon as I saw the title of this episode I accurately predicted the letter grade.

Yeah, liberal comedy (i.e. comedy) has always made fun of people on their side. Unlike conservatives, liberals generally have a sense of humor about themselves. I think it's only recently, as in the last 5+ years, that liberal comedy writers' credentials are questioned when they make fun of their own.

I think that's the heart of the issue. UKS feels like how 30 Rock became this live action cartoon in its later seasons but from the first episode. The joke is, of course, that this super Aryan-looking actress is playing a woman whose secretly Native American. It really felt like a "Kenneth is secretly immortal" swerve

Yeah, that may be my favorite joke in all of UKS. It nearly killed me when I first heard it.

It would be a bummer if they actually did. Not because I want to stick them to stick their thumb in the eyes of critics but I've seen that suggestion as a way to "fix" the problematic nature of the story line. I feel like there's a lot of people out there who just want that to happen because it'll make the show more

No, that was not in The Jinx at all. They're probably referencing the post-Jinx stuff where he'd go into supermarkets and piss on the produce or whatever. He basically got picked up by the police because he stole a sandwich, got caught, and when his car got searched they found thousands of dollars in cash and a gun in

Yeah, Yusuke being the weirdo Mishima wants to investigate was a great payoff. He was probably my favorite character, perhaps tied with Makoto. I love his All-Out Attack winpose.

He certainly didn't spend years at Fiendish Medical School to be called "Mr."

I'm about halfway through the 3+ hour 8th anniversary Comedy Bang! Bang! special and most of my torso is sore from laughing. Chief has only been on two episodes but she's probably my favorite character of all time. The howling laughter after "The island of Heaven" obliterated me.

I guess they can explain away Mike looking like an unwrapped mummy in a pre-BCS prequel by revealing he has Benjamin Button disease.

Yeah, for the most part BCS can be viewed as its own stand alone thing without any prior knowledge of BB. However, things like ending on Tuco's face poking out his front door in episode 1 is clearly meant to elicit a response from BB fans while seeming a little odd to those who watch BCS but have never seen BB (if

I think budgetary reasons are exactly the reason why Western developers don't do urban fantasy. Achieving a huge, open world that is extremely immersive is difficult in an urban setting because you're bound by the player's expectations of reality (why can't I go into every store? why can't I talk to anyone wandering

I think 90% of Hanford's knowledge about John Lennon was discovered through interacting with other CBB guests.

So millions of white dudes with strictly Asian girlfriends are the heroes ending racism?

I didn't know Don DiMello did a stint in Australia.


I felt the same way as a resident of West Virginia, which is and isn't the South, where the description of S-Town and its inhabitants felt very familiar. It didn't seem patronizing at all.

I don't find the dialogue that bad but one thing that continually bugs me, and I'm not sure a "better" translation would even fix this, is how random passerbys will talk about how your gang is "stealing people's hearts" like it's a normal turn of phrase. I can't help but feel 90% of conversations about this group in