
The people who bought the game in the first place are "paying customers" too.

That's the joke -_-

The fact that the game was multiplatform just a few months ago on E3 is all that I need to say for you to look like an idiot.
Then we have the fact that the game is made by Square Enix who is in no need of economical aid to make a new game.
Then we have the fact that Tomb Raider is an old ip of both PS and PC.
All of

I haven't seen any praise, but whatever. Either way, more people have the PS4, so of course less people are going to be upset about an exclusive. When Tomb Raider was announced as an X1 exclusive, only around 5 million people had the system, while around 10 million had a PS4. It makes sense that 10 million people

The main point here is cross-platform play between PC and console, which Microsoft don't allow. So SFV is not coming to Xbox the same reason as FF14, Microsoft's closed system policy.

Or how about they do what they have been doing (both)?

Frankly, I'd be far more worried about someone who would choose a three month relationship over a several-year friendship. Not only, as the Doctor says, does that signify over-investment in a young relationship, but it also sets a terrifying prescient for future demands.

"Sony ponies"? What are you, five?

Because the 360 install base does not equal the Xbox One install base.
I, for instance, own a 360. I do not own an Xbox One. I jumped ship... coincidentally because of OTHER PS4-exclusive fighting games like Guilty Gear being announced.

Devil May Cry will never be as big (read: popular) as Street Fighter.

I would love to see DmC2 and see where the story goes from there. I actualy had more attachment to the the reboot characters than the ones in the original games. I mean, Dante was funny and I basicaly played trough DMC3 only to see what crazy stunts Dante is going to do in the next cutscene. But didn't really care

TR was pretty different. Cutting out the two platforms that historically made Tomb Raider big in the first place was bizarre.

He explained why he changed the script pretty clearly:

Once there are more than like one or two examples of representation, we can get more varied characters as well.

I'm hoping to not get the return of the Paragon and Renegade system in any of the bioware games; or at least their whole point value system on it. It made it seem very 1 sided for every playthrough. I mean, I don't feel like going with a good or bad choice in every situation.

Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire - 2002

The Last of Us - 2013

Both remade in 2014. I think there's a bit of a difference there.

I don't really bitch about any remakes and own a PS4 but I speculate that is because Pokemon does it about once a generation with games much older and Nintendo isn't using it as a way to hide the fact that their systems really have any games a year out. GTAV and TLoU are only a year old. R/S are 12 years old. Nintendo

It's true that this reports units shipped, not sold, but everything else is wrong. It sold more than 3 million in 3 days, before it had even released in Europe. It has sold very well there, and continued to do well in the US and Japan.

Censorship is banning or stifling of speech/art by the state. This is just a shop not selling a product they think could be bad for business, they're not obliged to carry the game any more than they're obliged to carry Crazy Frog Racing.