
You're definitely looking for a provlem where there is none. Mike Fahey likes their videos, so he shares them. Simple as that.

Yes, because an editor on a gaming blog has to be being paid off to want to post episodes of a gaming web series that he likes about games that he likes.

It's not the 'cool' thing to hate George Lucas; it's completely justifiable when you compare what he was back then to what he is now. Just because someone makes great earlier work does not mean they have a shield that negates all of their modern work from criticism. It's exactly like criticism for the majority of

While there wouldn't be Star Wars without him, the movies would have been quite different if not for all the talented directors, editors, producers, etc. that also worked on the original trilogy.

Here's my submission, if it's unsuitable I can try to censor it.

A pocket knife for a more civilized age.


Also obligatory:

Have you played the raid? Hard mode last time my team and I died each time from bugs. for two hours. If you have done the hard mode raid, then you know how buggy it is and it hasn't been fixed for a month now. Other aspects, not necessarily bugs, are the lack of story, tedious and repetitive missions where

..... was any of it covered actually in game. What happened to Rasputin, that whole thing was dropped like no ones business. Destiny's plot is as follows. You are revived. Here is a giant Ball. An AI called Rasputin is alive. Welcome to the moon. There are hive here. There is a signal in Venus. The signal was vex. Vex

It doesn't have a story; it has events. At the end of the game, nothing has changed. The threats are different or redirected after your appearance but you are still just fighting the good fight, the Traveler is still weak, The Darkness is still coming and nobody really knows what it is. The game is still in discovery

"Story is definitely not the front-and-center star of games the way it is in TV, but the recognition for how important it is to the overall experience is absolutely growing." - Leah Hoyer, head of narrative at ArenaNet, explaining how story is becoming more important to gaming.

Piecing it together through Grimore cards is not practical.

My reaction to the trailer. Then I seent that new lightsaber.

Well "any other studio" have done GoT games, which were dreadful. Telltale, while they've had a few misses still have had some great titles that treated the license in question with excellent results.

It's confirmed. It was confirmed during the parade that a movie was coming out in 2016. It's a reboot!

What rumor? It's been confirmed countless times