I'm not sure if you read the article, but if you did, you seem to have missed this part:
I'm not sure if you read the article, but if you did, you seem to have missed this part:
I think that's kind of a different list though. What they're going for is "the 12 best games that you can play on the Vita," and if one of those twelve games is also available on another console, that doesn't mean it's not one of the 12 best games on the Vita. If the majority of the games on a given list are…
Please don't comment on articles you don't bother to read. kthxbye
Except he's not liking Unity for the game part of it. he's liking it for the exploration aspect of it. It's apparently the same for the rest of the AC games. I share this view as well because Assassin Creed always had interesting settings.
The first game was just a tale of infiltration and brotherly rivalry and revenge. I think. It's been a while.
what kind of gaming are you doing that requires anywhere close to this kind of durability? I mean i've been gaming for 25 years. of all the consoles i've owned i think the worst that ever happened was the PS1 controller wire being tripped over and the system falling onto a hardwood floor and the disc tray popped open…
please. It's the people who are old enough to remember the original trilogy and saw it as children that hate the prequels. The prequels were objectively shit.
It's a trend that reflects consumer behaviour. More and more people are purchasing their games online when given the option. I think that in the long run, these video game stores will need to offer much more than just the sale of physical copies of video games.
Oh please, Lucas does suck as a director. A New Hope. The only film in the original he directed is the weakest by far. The directors cut versions of the originals are terrible. The prequels are ALL terrible. There are some interesting parts in Revenge of the Sith Lucas haters are right. He has great ideas. He is a…
I always assumed that lightsabers are kind of clunky/unwieldy for a non force-user, requiring extra care not to hurt oneself, friends, or environment. Also, there's no way a non force-user could block laser bolts with them. For a non-force user, lightsabers are just a much less practical choice than a blaster. …
People seem to be giving you shit for pointing out a new movie example, so how about an original movie example? Han Solo uses the a lightsaber to cut open the Tauntaun in Empire.
I never liked the whole "Jedis love lightsabers" thing.
It was something in the prequels. In Empire Strikes back, Yoda makes a clear point when he says that a lightsaber is nothing to a Jedi when Lukes falls into a mud pit, and that a Jedi's true weapon is The Force.
I love my Vita as well, but they did mislead and taking advantage of this doesn't mean you lose your Vita, it means you get a free year of PS+ or a free game($50 merchandise voucher) . I'm definitely going to do it, once I get my notification.
Never underestimate the gamepad. As a dad/husband/guy-who-lets-others-use-the-TV-because-I'm-not-a-monster, I'd love to see old school JRPGs find new life on the Wii U, so I can play those lengthier adventures off-TV.
"The uploader has not made this video available in your country." FUCK YOU, IF THE SHOW IS AVAILABLE ON TV IN CANADA IT SHOULD BE AVAILABLE ON CANADIAN INTERNET TOO!
The team that made Xenogears left Square a long time ago. They became Monolith Soft. They've made the Xenosaga games, Xenoblade and are making the Wii U Xenoblade.
Tvs and cell phones are ripe with quality competition. Sony wasnt a leader in quality or value with either. downsizing these divisions to levels consistent with their market share should lead to improved quality on fewer offerings. i fail to see how the consumer or the company fail from that.
A couple things, to address you and Patricia:
I believe you have a bad online connection then, because I've done a lot of online matches since 10 minutes after launch (bought on eshop) and I've had not 1 single game be ruined by poor online. There were maybe 2 matches that had a slight hiccup for a few seconds, but then right back to rock solid connection and…