
My "manips" keep getting worse and worse..


Nintendo is pretty good at portraying darker subject matter in a way that isn't super grim. Almost every Zelda game is about a declining civilization just on the brink of falling to an evil dictator. They're pretty dark in context, but you never really feel threatened by it.

Well EXCUSE ME, Internet Princess

I still watch the Simpsons re-runs and new episodes each sunday. Im not gonna say that the new episodes are as good as the old ones, but they are not as bad as everyone says they are.

No love for Vanillite ;_;

I think very few people pick names out of a vacuum. Most names have some connotation or meaning or association.

Are there people who sometimes use the pretense of being offended in order to silence discussion? Sure.

Does that mean every instance of someone calling something offensive is a cynical ploy, and the person making the offensive statement is some virtuous crusader for free speech?

No. That's stupid.

The problem with Fry's

Yeah, it's way more worthy of respect when people say hurtful things to disadvantaged groups of people for no reason versus having respect for them owning up to their mistakes. That's not an idiotic thought at all.

The problem is, it's a pretty content-free, fatuous quote often used to excuse any kind of bigotry the poster feels like.

I won't be happy until Iwata says 'Please understand'.

I'm glad that all those who got new Nintendo systems will be able to update and play them without issue now.

...what? lol you think the robbers are going to open and play each one? you sell them.

They did in my heart.


Okay, in all seriousness even I'll readily admit that the N64 and Gamecube weren't exactly the titans of their generations. There are lots of games on both, though, that I still love to this day, most especially Metroid Prime, Mischief Makers, (Insert Zelda Here), Pikmin...

Good times.

As a Wii U owner who returned his Xbox One because it's a crap system, I have to disagree. Wii U is not a failure at all. It's a slow starter, to be sure, and that's 100% Nintendo's fault: poor naming of the system coupled with poor communication about the nature of the system AS a new system and a mysterious

Miiverse is very forum-like, but it's also very Twitter-like. It's also integrated with all of the games and applications that are available for it. I actually enjoy using Nintendo TVii while watching a football game and talking smack with people on Miiverse, because my comments on the game through TVii post directly

To be did we not all see this coming? It was really a perfect storm that could only have one result, crashing the network.

What happened: PSN, Steam, and the eShop all went down on Christmas due to online issues.

I never liked the idea of $/hour. When I go to see a movie, I never question "How long is this movie? How much time will I be enjoying it for?"

You base the value of a movie on its quality, not its length. I feel video games should also be recognized like that. Portal and Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons are prime examples