
Go directly to hell, you absolute nightmare of a person.

pls run in 2020

Very appropriate.

“These guys enjoy a hobby I don’t understand, clearly they’re losers”

A prank that resulted in internal injuries. with debris that nurses had to remove from her because he was ramming his fingers inside her so hard he shoved gunk inside her. So if a guy shoves his fingers in your ass you won’t consider it rape then I take it, just a prank. You’re either a piss poor troll or willfully

Can confirm, con is now a shit show. Two hour wait to get in if you haven’t picked up your badge yet, having it doesn’t help much.

threat the police on social media=get tailed and arrested

For clarification ALL cosplay props have been banned (even say for example, a cardboard wand for a sailor moon cosplay) from the convention and its causing a lot of angry cosplayers

So why ban all props? Ban realistic guns and small prop knives. No reason to ban the giant foam swords and future guns that don’t look even remotely real. Maybe if they hired real security instead of the lazy half assed power tripping jerks they’ve used the last few years, prop checks would’ve been done properly in

Dont worry soon everything will be illegal and we will all be safe.

So because they found the 1 idiot, everyone else has to suffer. Yep, classic.