Allen Fleury

Sounds like a great deal to build a car I can’t drive anywhere.

Hey, if the stock price has gone down it’s only because that is what Jesus Musk wants it to do! He’s playing 4D chess when Wall Street is playing checkers.

I’m shocked he hasn’t announced a few vaporware car or product that will be coming out “in about a year” to distract investors like a parent giggling keys in front of their baby. 

Agreed. Even with the massive devaluing it’s still overpriced. 

LOLWUT? Are you trying to blame wall street???

And the Cybertruck will??

Just post a few security people at each one and task them with moving groups of people across the bridge. 

Emotional Support Vehicles

Eller was offered a free stay at the Pendry as compensation”

don’t see why not. Most phones are waterproof these days. 

Only in the minds of tech billionaires and companies that want to own the population.

which is easily seen when attached to your shirt...

Just realized that Chris Evans has played at least 4 characters that were originally comic book characters: Steve Rogers, johnny Storm, Lucas Lee, and my favorite Jensen, who made that movie somewhat watchable, but not enough to get the sequel they teased.

Lots of these dumb wasteful projects around the world.

Yep, there are currently many projects around the world, mostly in the middle east, where billionaires are supposedly trying to plan and build future cities, but pretty much all of them are absolutely terrible ideas that any person with common sense can see, and are clearly just ego-driven projects so they can feel

it opens .dmg files.

Oh no! Now what will people complain about??

Guess it depends on the level. I think a group of guys with no formal engineering training but know how to weld and build/mount a mount a motor could make a very convincing copy from the outside that actually drives. .

I get all of that except the stealing paychecks comment. I doubt they’re paid well, and sitting on cramped planes all day can’t be a very fund task. I’m sure they’re not allowed or supposed to eat or drink anything or engage in anything distracting like watching something or reading.