Allen Fleury

Guns are speech now? That’s a new take!

Wow a whole week to learn how to safely carry/use a gun AND do so on a pressurized plane at 30k feet AND try to use it against would-be hijackers! And I’m sure they spent all of 4 hours each day max doing actual training while the rest of the time was spent “team-building” and going out for meals and drinks.

They’re too delusional to admit regret.

Even for a college project it would be pretty lame. Just looks like flat aluminum panels slapped over a tube frame.

This can be said for the vast majority of “off road” vehicles people drive. 

not the bulbous car pretending to be an SUV that is the Y or X”

First thing you’ll need to do is change that door. A plain glass door showcasing your expensive cars and tools is just asking people to break in. 

I’m all for cycling taking over a lot of car traffic, especially with ebikes being a great alternative. But I also see a LOT of smug attitude and hypocritical behavior in cyclists and motorcyclists.

Nah they just continue driving without a license.

Once had a cyclist SCREAM it me on the road because I stepped off the curb to get ready to cross the road... and he proceeded to weave in between some cars and go through a red light. And this isn’t the only time I had witnessed that kind of cyclist behavior.

“Can your boy run for office in prison?”

The only have zero accountability because partisan politicians are unwilling to do anything. Short of getting a 2/3 majority by one party in the senate, an impeachment will never work. 

Our 2 party political system has so divided the country that it will be impossible to impeach anyone for anything short of murder where they were caught on video. Even then the minority party would try to make the process drag on until they hope to get back into the majority and choose their own replacement. 

No problem, it’s hanging on my living room wall!!

That’s basically my point. The person I was responding to was basically that that since it’s technically possible to make this device, with the right programming know-how, it shouldn’t be a big deal that it’s being ready-made for even coding novices to buy and use for malicious purposes.

You woudn’t know that by the tone of this story where it’s extremely light on legal uses and talking up all of the illegal uses.

Who was talking about government censorship???

Sounds like you need a healthy dose of legal education.

Tell me again what it is that every car is keeping you from doing and why you need to “hack” it??