Allen Fleury

“but but with universal healthcare you have to wait months to see a doctor!!”

True it can save both doctors and patients time and money just like small in-person clinics staffed with nurse practitioners. But anything beyond general medical advice, such as prescribing other than over-the-counter medications should require an in-person examination with a real doctor first.

Some idiot that thinks virtual clinics = healthcare system has failed, but provides no clear connection between the two.

LOLWUT?? One has nothing to do with the other!

And yet, the ADL is still paying Money to Musk and Xitter... so does Musk care at all?? Does anyonen really care? I have to assume at least half the people in the world who complain about it are still actively using it as it seems tons of people hate him and what he’s doing, but site activity has only dropped

Ironically, you may walk over rocks all the time that have traveled hundreds of millions ofm iles to eventually land on our planet. The whole planet is a collective of matter that was spread across space at some point anyway.

What I’m saying is, if it’s not clearly something superficial that can be dealt with using medical advice and OTC meds only, then they usually schedule an in-person examination. Making more serious diagnoses and prescribing controlled medications from a video appointment only seems like a very bad idea and borderline

The family had an open lawsuit against the police/town...everyone in the department knew who they were and how to find them. 

With the family having an open lawsuit against them, everyone in the department knew who they were...

That and the complete inverse relationship between power and responsibility in the US, mostly with law enforcement and political jobs. The higher up you are, the less accountable you are for your own actions. 

The whole thing stinks. Honestly sounds like a cover-up. Can anybody outside of police corroborate their story about how he died? How about the accusation that he had drugs in his system? I would definitely have a coroner retest for that... if it’s even possible after being in the ground so long.

Buying a car shouldn’t be tantamount to playing the stock market.


Surprised you haven’t lost a side mirror yet as it is always 100% your fault if you ever get remotely close to a biker lane-splitting, and they have ordained themselves judge and jury in your sentencing and punishment for getting to close to their fragile egos.

Most bikers have enough ego to span 5 lanes of traffic. Let’s not get into talking about ego of people in cars here.

So glad some people are pointing this out. Dude still thinks he, or someone else, could pull off this kind of riding safely.

They think they have F&F skills. 

Exactly! All of these idiots think they’re in a F&F movie and what is portrayed to happen in those movies is supposed to be all skill of the character and not complete dumb luck or road conditions and car placement that doesn’t exist in the real world.


I’m surprised that when he finally recovered he didn’t track down that truck he ran into and break the side mirrors off as “justice” for the truck being in his way.