
Well, I think a large part of the problem is the psychological effect that the idea of being "inferior" has on the minds of women trying to succeed alongside men. Stereotype threat, which is anxiety one experiences in anticipating of confirming a negative stereotype about them, is a very well studied and well

Too much man?

Hey, different strokes for different folks. I like games in real world settings. Fantasy mixed with reality is often times more exciting than just fantasy for me.

Women inherently lack all the necessary qualifications for being a male prostitute. They fail in every possible way. Women do not have penises, male prostitutes do. Women have breasts, male prostitutes don't. And most importantly: women are not males, while male prostitutes are.

I was going to say that same thing. She should have asserted yourself. "But do you play shooters?" "Yes, now leave me the fuck alone." That's all it would have taken.

That it's is not true. Women would make very poor male prostitutes.

What kind of a demon are we dealing with here? The demon of bad jokes and false expectations? This could be pretty serious...

I think what he's trying to tell us is that he cares at _least_ a little bit.

I don't think it's just you. All the MGS games have a special place in my heart, but MGS1's place is just a little specialer.

I hadn't watched the video, but the way the article described it made it sound so interesting that I had to check it out! And I must say, really freaking cool! Sure, it's a bit over the top, but nothing I out of the ordinary for an action game.

Well, if that's actually what you had said then I would have never taken issue with your statement. But you said something else, and that's what I was responding to.

I don't know what else there will be, and neither do you. That was kind of my point. Sony said they continue to support their consoles for 10 years after they are released, so that gives the PS3 about another 4 years of games. Do you know what games are going to come out in the next 4 years? I'm guessing that you

Not that I actually care what you do with your PS3, but your capacity to know what the PS3 "has left" for you ends at your capacity to predict the future, which, unless you are clairvoyant, is nil.

Ahh, Michael Scott certainly has a way with words.

Sheesh, gamers are impossible to please. If there's any discernible difference between a graphical rendition of something and the real thing, people are immediately unimpressed. Why can't we just be happy with the progress they are making?

So basically you are just confused by the fact that people are different.

These are archetypal ideas. They will always be present in all forms of entertainment because they are a part of human nature. They're in our genetics. How many stories are there of damsels in distress and knights in shining armor coming to rescue them? These stories have existed for thousands of years, what makes

Uhh, yeah I did read the article, but I spaced out when I wrote that comment. Sue me. Anyways, whether or not she is a current or former employee of BioWare isn't an integral part of my argument. So good job on missing the point.

I love M&B just as much as the next person, but this game doesn't look exactly same as M&B, it looks a bit better to me.

It's not like people are going to boycott one of the best game developers because an employee of there's speaks the truth. Heck, that would make me want to play their games even more.